(Bo Chi) (02/09/90)
| +---------I __L__ ___- i \ ------I +----+----+ | ___\_\_ | \./ | | -----+- | | | | | __ \/ | --+-- |--- | |---| | I----+----I | I__J/\ | __|__ | | | |---| | | | _____ \ | /| \ | | | L__-| | I I---------J / J \/ | | V | _/ * C h i n a N e w s D i g e s t * (News General + NDCanada) -- Feb. 9 (I), 1990 Table of Contents # of Lines News Brief ............................................................. 16 1. Information Exchange on FR Issue (I) ................................ 14 2. Bush Official Draws Fire In House As For China Policy ............... 49 3. China Says No Change In Communist Monopoly Of Power ................. 49 4. Information Exchange on FR Issue (II) ............................... 33 5. Reader's Comment .................................................... 26 --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------- News Brief ----------------------------------------------------------------- (i) BY: SCHWEISBERG, DAVID R. Source: BEIJING (UPI) February 07, 1990 From: "Jian Ding" <IZZYQ00@OAC.UCLA.EDU> ---------------------------------------- China, reversing long-standing claims it faces no major threat from AIDS, finally acknowledged Wednesday the ailment has infected more Chinese citizens than foreign residents and is spreading. ... The Ministry of Public Health report said that by the end of 1989 the virus had been detected in 153 Chinese citizens and 41 foreigners since it began keeping records on the ailment several years ago. .... ----------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Information Exchange on FR Issue (I) ----------------------------------------------------------------- From: PC CHIEH (CHEMISTRY) <> I just got a verbal message from the local MP (member of parli- ment). In one meeting, Waterloo students indicated that spauses from other countries than China had difficulty in applying for visitor visa to enter Canada. His advices is that the spause should apply in the same maner as if he or she is in China, that is to apply for minister's permit. If the spause apply for visi- tor visa, and the embassy found out that the other spause has applied for landed immigrant status, visa will not be granted. There is a regulation against such application. Please circulate among the students and scholars from China here. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 2. Bush Official Draws Fire In House As For China Policy ----------------------------------------------------------------- Source: (AP) News 08 Feb 90 From: (Yagui Wei) WASHINGTON - Deputy Secretary of State Lawrence Eagleburger got a rough reception Thursday from the House Foreign Affairs Committee as he de- fended the White House's China policy. Eagleburger called Bush's efforts the most likely route to long-term moderation of the Beijing regime. Meanwhile, China Thursday declared it wouldn't accept ''wan- ton attacks'' on its human-rights record by the U.S. It also said a State Department report on the issue would ''do further serious harm to Sino-U.S. relations.'' Foreign Ministry spokesman Jin Guihua dismissed as ''utterly ground- less'' charges of widespread human- rights violations by the U.S.-based human rights organization Asia Watch. The annual State Department human rights report has yet to be released, but congressional sources in Washington say it, like the Asia-Watch report, harshly criticizes China's repression of dissenters. Eagleburger's message didn't sell well Thursday to congress- men upset by China's bloody crackdown on dissenters. ''The president has isolated him- self in Congress and with the American people with a policy virtually lacking in credibil- ity,'' said Rep. Sam Gejdenson, D-Conn. The chairman of the panel's Asia subcommittee, Rep. Stephen Solarz, D-N.Y., called Eagleburger's December mission to Beijing ''one of the most misbegotten missions in contemporary American diplomacy.'' Eagleburger argued that hopes for change in China rest with reformers in the country's leadership rather than the masses who demonstrated in and around Tiananmen Square. ''The process of reform in China so far has been largely led from the top,'' Eagleburger added, asking for patience from lawmakers to give Bush's efforts time to bear fruit. In repeated votes, Congress has rejected Bush's policy toward China as insufficiently sensitive to human rights concerns. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 3. China Says No Change In Communist Monopoly Of Power ----------------------------------------------------------------- By JIM ABRAMS Source: Associated Press Writer, 08 Feb 90 From: Fangzhen Lin <lin@Neon.Stanford.EDU> BEIJING (AP) - The ruling Communist Party, rejecting the reforms undoing communist rule in the former Soviet empire, said today that it has no intention of surrendering its monopoly on power and claimed overwhelming popular support. A strongly worded editorial in the party's official People's Daily made no mention of the Soviet Communist Party's decision Wednesday to end its constitutional guarantee of leadership. But the commentary was an obvious response to Soviet and Eastern European moves toward multiparty political systems. It branded Western democracies as playthings of the rich. The nationally televised evening news today reported at length but without commentary on the Soviet Communist Party meet- ing. However, it made only passing mention at the end of the four-minute report of the decision to abolish the party's leading role and instead quoted Mikhail S. Gorbachev and other Soviet leaders as defending socialism and the party. It was the first detailed report in the official media of the meeting. A Shanghai newspaper Monday ran a brief report without saying the party's leadership was in question. Foreign Ministry spokesman Jin Guihua, asked at a weekly briefing today about the Soviet decision and how it would affect Sino-Soviet relations, said only that ''this is the internal affair of the Soviet Union.'' China has taken a sharply divergent path, crushing its pro- democracy movement last spring and then launching a campaign against all dissent and criticism of the party. The People's Daily editorial said China without the party would mean turmoil and war, national division and suffering for the people. The whole nation has endorsed the ''correct leader- ship'' of the Communist Party, it said. The editorial concerned a party document released Wednesday urging greater cooperation with eight tiny and powerless ''demo- cratic parties'' and promoting China's system of one-party rule with input from non-communist parties and mass organizations. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 4. Information Exchange on FR Issue (II) ----------------------------------------------------------------- From: an ND reader in Montreal I got your mail about family reunion. Now I have some problem and need your help. (Editor's Note: the (e-) mail is referred to as the past FR issues published through ND.) I am a student in Montreal. I have applied PR and got the AIP letter in last August and my wife is also here. Now we want to bring our daughter, who is one year old, to come over to Canada to join us. I phoned local immigration officer, who is in charge of Chinese students immigration affair, to ask him how to apply for this. He said you just need to write a letter to immigration office. And I asked him I want to let one of my parents to escort her to Canada. He said nobody will be allowed to come to Canada except your daughter and said Air Line will take care of your little child. This sounds quite different from what you said in the e-mail. In fact, I don't think China Air Line will provide this kind of ser- vice. Obviously, that immigration officer didn't want to listen to my explanation. So, what can I do right now. Please give me some suggestions. Is this because the different province has the different policy? And do you have any idea about when the PR status could be obtained for those who got interview in last August? And my mother will have an international conference in Europe. She wants to visit me from Finland. Do you think she will be refused issuing visitor visa because I am in the status of AIP? Anyway, please give me some suggestions and some information about these things. ----------------------------------------------------------------- 5. Reader's Comment ----------------------------------------------------------------- From: ___@IBM3090.COMPUTER-CENTRE.BIRMINGHAM.AC.UK Dear friends: I have been reading the China News Digest and I can not express how much I appreciate your effort to re-unite and to re-attract the attention to the China problems from all the Chinese overseas and those who are intereted in China. ... Finally, I would like to suggest the co-ordination of China affairs related nets (scc, china-forum, and china-net) which are for discussion into one or at least into a set of nets with the same subscription system, such as the China News Digest which is mainly for factual news reports and which has built its high reputation after their long-term efforts, if possible. Well, I don't know much about computers but I hope such co-ordination can be done for conviences and distribution. Again, I , as a Chinese, offer my warmest thanks for all you have done (which is the only thing I can offer now), and my best wishes to our electronic "Times" and possible "Economist" (the British weekly magzine which analyses the important events happening in the world). F.-F. ___ from UK. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | China News Digest Subscription: (Xinmeng Liao) | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | China News Digest Executive Editor: (Bo Chi) | +-------------------------------------------------------------------------+ Fri Feb 9 09:08:40 EST 1990