lowey@dvinci.usask.ca (Kevin Lowey) (12/02/89)
Hi, I currently subscribe to two OS/2 discussion groups. One is the COMP.OS.OS2 newsgroup on uucp. The other is the OS2 echomail area in Fidonet. Currently the OS/2 echomail area on Fidonet is discussing topics like writing BBS programs in OS/2, calling CKO-KERMIT as an external protocol from other communications programs, announcements of new PD or Shareware programs, discussions of how good these programs are, where to get them, etc. The volume is about 30 messages per day. There is a local Fidonet BBS that is also a uucp node. He can use his BBS to merge the uucp and fidonet OS/2 discussion groups into one large group. That way we can be in contact with even more OS/2 developers. This message is to "test the waters" and see if there is any interest in merging the two groups. On fidonet, I have to get the permission of the "OS/2 Echomail Moderator" before I can do this. I assume there is a similar person responsible for this on the uucp newsgroup. There is one snag. Since the Fidonet sysops pay for their own telephone bills, they frown on sending uuencoded binaries through the echomail areas. I'm not saying that the uucp newsgroup would have to stop sending binaries, but this might mean that the fidonet moderator will refuse to merge because of the binaries being sent. A separate binaries newsgroup would solve the problem. Here is what I suggest. First, both groups have to agree to merge. Later, if the moderator for either the fidonet or the uucp group decides that the link should be disconnected, it will. That way we could experiment for a bit and easily break the link if it doesn't work out. Any comments? - Kevin Lowey @ 1:140/43 - LOWEY@SASK.USASK.CA - ...!alberta!dvinci!lowey