Bill.Andrus@weyr.FIDONET.ORG (Bill Andrus) (01/30/90)
>I am currently running BinkleyTerm under OS/2 EE 1.1. When I run my word >processor (DisplayWrite 5/2....not very good, but I have no choice) while >BT is d/ling mail, the d/l starts getting errors and eventually quits. I >am new to both OS/2 and BT. I have read the docs, but don't find any >help. Any suggestions? One, get the latest module, BTP.EXE in BTPLOCK.LZH dated 1-24-90, 7:29am, 119,309. Two, get more RAM, to avoid SWAP I/O activity. Nothing you can do about DW5 and Bink contending for the Hard Drive (except getting a second one, which some systems can't do). (1:109/301.10) -- Bill Andrus - via FidoNet node 1:140/22 UUCP: alberta!dvinci!weyr!Bill.Andrus Internet: Bill.Andrus@weyr.FIDONET.ORG Standard Disclaimers Apply...