Brady.Flowers@f512.n157.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Brady Flowers) (02/01/90)
Kenneth, any one else interested: I've uploaded TE/2 1.00.e (TE2_100E.ZIP) tonight to OHIONet, Fernwood, Magnum, and Magnus. -- Brady Flowers - via FidoNet node 1:140/22 UUCP: alberta!dvinci!weyr!157!512!Brady.Flowers Internet: Brady.Flowers@f512.n157.z1.FIDONET.ORG Standard Disclaimers Apply...
Jim.Gilliland@p34.f200.n157.z1.FIDONET.ORG (Jim Gilliland) (02/02/90)
BF> I've uploaded TE/2 1.00.e (TE2_100E.ZIP) tonight to OHIONet, BF> Fernwood, Magnum, and Magnus. If you are interested in quality async communications software, you should really take a look at Brady Flower's TE2 program. The "E" version offers most of the amenities needed for most users, and many of the features are handled quite elegantly. I think you'll like what you find, and Brady is VERY actively enhancing it, so here's your opportunity to watch a very powerful tool unfold. Two things it still needs are a script language and a host mode. It's clear from looking at the program that many of the hooks for the script language are already built it. Nice job, Brady. -- Jim Gilliland - via FidoNet node 1:140/22 UUCP: alberta!dvinci!weyr!157!200.34!Jim.Gilliland Internet: Jim.Gilliland@p34.f200.n157.z1.FIDONET.ORG Standard Disclaimers Apply...