[comp.os.os2] New Windows Magazine Announcement

rogerson@PEDEV.Columbia.NCR.COM (Dale Rogerson) (02/23/90)

	Just what we needed! A magazine for Windows and PM users!

	This article was pulled off of the Microsoft BBS on GENIE.

	(I hate people who use alot of exclamation points!!!)



    NEWS RELEASE ANNOUNCING PC PowerWindows Magazine

    Contact:    Joe Rotello or Peggy Larson
                CompuSystems Management, Inc.
                (615) 693-5829


    KNOXVILLE, TN - February 5, 1990 - CompuSystems Management, Inc.
    (CSM) today announced the introduction of PC PowerWindows Magazine,
    a national magazine for Microsoft Windows (tm) and Presentation
    Manager (tm) software application users.

    PC PowerWindows is the only monthly publication aimed specifically
    at Microsoft Windows and Presentation Manager (PM) software users.
    It is a quality four-color publication being produced on gloss
    enamel stock. Editorially, the magazine applies itself to both new
    and experienced users in home, office, corporate and government

    Each issue presents feature themes, how-to discussions, hints and
    tips (from both users and the software industry), and editorials.
    Articles are built around new and existing Windows/PM products.
    The magazine includes independent, unbiased hardware and software
    product reviews. In addition, to enhance user productivity, PC
    PowerWindows features several monthly "Hands On" columns based on
    specific application programs.

    According to the CSM publisher, Joseph Rotello Jr., "PC Power-
    Windows goes beyond the ordinary computer user magazine. It offers
    actual case histories and proven hands-on methods that can be
    teamed to provide user-intuitive solutions. We describe how to
    attain goals and solve problems via the use of Windows and PM
    applications. In short, we guide our readers toward greater
    levels of efficiency and cost savings."

    "A magazine dedicated to Windows and PM is really needed", said
    Basil W. Maloney Jr., Executive Director of the non-profit Windows
    and Presentation Managers Association. "In a lot of ways, Windows
    has gotten so successful, so quickly, that events have outstripped
    the existing ways and means to evaluate and learn about Windows/PM
    applications." Maloney went on to add, "one thing that a magazine
    like PC PowerWindows can do is enable the reader to focus on solu-
    tions that would have been impossible to foresee in the past."

    With a projected first issue date of April 1990, introductory
    subscriptions rates of $19.97 per year will apply until
    June 30, 1990.

    Display advertising requests and subscriptions are now being
    accepted by: CompuSystems Management, Inc., 4120 Galbraith School
    Road, P.O. Box 9599, Knoxville, TN 37940, (615) 693-5829.


    PC PowerWindows Magazine Subscription Form

               SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER.....save 42%
            off single issue price through June 30, 1990
             (Regular Annual Subscription Rate $35.97)

        SUBSCRIBE NOW! You pay only $19.97* for 12 monthly issues!
                       OR..... only $36.97* for 24 monthly issues!

    Please enter my charter subscription to PC PowerWindows Magazine.

    I am enclosing [ ] $19.97 for 12 issues     (__)Check   (__)Money
               OR  [ ] $36.97 for 24 issues                     Order

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    Name __________________________ | Computer Model ________________
    Company _______________________ | Monitor _______________________
    Address _______________________ | Printer _______________________
    _______________________________ | Scanner _______________________
    City __________________________ | WINDOWS or PM programs used:
    State ___________ ZIP _________ | _______________________________
    Phone# (_____)_____-___________ | _______________________________
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    * Canadian Rates:    $29.97 in $US for 12 issues
                         $56.97 in $US for 24 issues

    Please allow 6 to 8 weeks delivery for your first issue.
    Contact publisher for subscriptions outside the USA and Canada.

    Send payment and this completed form to:

                           PC PowerWindows
                           Subscription Department
                           P.O. Box 9599
                           Knoxville, TN 37940