[comp.os.os2] More on the New Windows Magazine

rogerson@PEDEV.Columbia.NCR.COM (Dale Rogerson) (02/23/90)

	More information from GENIE on the new Magazine.



    PC PowerWindows Magazine

    Published by CompuSystems Management, Inc. (CSM)
    Charter Subscriptions: $19.97 $US (12 issues) through June 30, 1990


    PC PowerWindows (PCPW) is a quality, user-oriented publication for
    the users of the Microsoft Windows(tm) and Presentation
    Manager(tm) (PM) graphical user interfaces. Individual Windows/PM
    based software applications are covered in distinct monthly
    sections. The magazine is a four-color, glossy stock, 8-1/2 x 11

    Throughout this text, the term "Windows" refers to the various
    Microsoft Windows and PM graphics environment versions.

    The magazine includes sections such as editors notes, theme
    articles, new Windows software and hardware product news,
    specific-product hands-on Windows applications columns and other
    topics germane to the Windows environment. These sections include
    discussions of specific Windows areas: basic and advanced
    features;  personal, home office, business, corporate and
    governmental level uses; coverage of how-to topics (i.e., how to
    plan a small database project), and teaming one application
    program with other Windows applications.

    A magazine describing the use of one or more Windows programs
    together with other Windows programs is unique to this publishing
    arena. The computing power and productivity available by teaming
    Windows-based products is enormous, but has not been covered by
    other publishers. Demand for PC PowerWindows is high as well as
    long term in nature. The sources of this demand are the new and
    potential Windows/PM consumers, software dealers and application

    We feel that PCPW serves the best interests of the Windows user
    and producer community. With these interests in mind, PCPW has the
    following magazine features.


    PCPW offers the following sections and topics are planned:

    In this Issue - Highlights of the current issue.

    Editor's and Publishers Notes - In a "State of the Scene"
    reporting style.

    Letters to the Editor.

    Q & A - This is a variable-length question and answer section
    pertaining to Windows uses, problems, short tips, etc. This
    coverage could be melded into the "Hands On" magazine areas,
    however, it is initially introduced as a separate column.

    Windows tutorials - Each issue explores one or more topics
    regarding Windows and PM shell programs. This column is a brief
    advisory of what Windows is, what markets it serves, and the basic
    product features. It includes major strong points and differences
    between Windows and PM. It contains non-technical text about basic
    and advanced product uses and features, including those not
    mentioned in Windows users guides or application manuals.

    Major Articles - Each issue describes the ways that Windows users
    are making use of the application products and related hardware,
    including general interest articles on how Windows programs relate
    to publishing, CAD, word processing, graphics, scanning,
    information management, databases, telecommunications, etc.

    Productive Windows - This is a monthly column devoted to
    productivity: increasing the quantity and quality of Windows
    applications work. Topics generally relate to saving money or
    increasing efficiency with Windows, and the use of Windows and its
    applications as personal or business enrichment tools.

    Hands-On << Product Name >> - These are "real meat" one or more
    page discussions about specific Windows application programs. They
    include hands-on use, interesting ideas for more efficient or
    intuitive uses, and operational hints and tips. These columns
    concentrate on "how it was done" topics, describing actual
    problems, solutions and related discussions.

    Multi-Windows - These are articles about the drawing together and
    use of multiple Windows applications to address a common goal or
    need. Topics will include how the programs were selected, how they
    individually added to the sum total output, any problems that
    arose and how the programs fared.

    Product Reviews - Unbiased reviews by qualified outside experts.
    The reviews follow accepted procedures and present real user
    concerns and opinions. Overall value and performance totals are

    New Products - A monthly section devoted to announcements of new
    Windows applications, hardware, accessories, etc.

    Announcements and Errata - A monthly section devoted to
    announcements of Windows program or application bugs, program
    fixes, product upgrade announcements, etc.

    Advertisers Index - This section includes a reader service number
    for response card use and the page numbers of advertisements.


    The inclusion of related computer hardware and accessories, in
    addition to software, makes both the magazine and the products
    mentioned in it more appealing to the readers. Hardware is covered
    in both feature articles and reviews. Typical hardware articles

    - Scanners
    - Dot matrix, PCL and Postscript laser printers, ink jet printers
    - Computer mice, graphics tablets and tracker ball pointing devices
    - 286, 386 and 486 computers (general discussions)
    - Various accessories
    - New technology products and accessories


    The magazine writing format and general style follow these

    The writing style accommodates neophyte to intermediate
    understanding and skill levels, although some columns, by their
    nature, are more technical in content. This implies shorter
    sentences and less "technotalk". Articles may include short
    glossaries where they would be effective in communicating new
    terms or concepts.

    We use two to three text columns, set in easy-reading fonts and
    type sizes for quick readability and comprehension.

    We actively encourage the use of photos, video screen shots,
    simple graphics, charts, line art, and scanned graphics.


    We maintain an experienced, competent writing and editorial staff,
    including magazine and advertising design, editing and production
    personnel. The PCPW staff consists of management, training,
    publishing and marketing veterans with extensive and varied
    computer backgrounds. Their expertise is supplemented by articles
    and reviews from qualified contributing editors, are all
    experienced writers specializing in software or hardware usage,
    presentation graphics, systems integration, databases, word
    processing, etc.

    We have found it beneficial to encourage end-users and software
    and hardware industry types to submit magazine articles, ideas and
    editorial commentary (i.e., a short industry editorial). This
    activity encourages additional viewpoints, diversity and reader

    Several Windows software providers contribute to the magazine by
    sharing of technical product or editorial information, and by
    inserting PCPW brochures and subscription forms into their
    shipping product.


    After exhaustive review of existing publications, and consulting
    with users and software producers, PCPW becomes the first
    publication to truly address and answer the concerns of the
    Windows and PM user population. The magazine effectively combines
    the most user-requested coverage elements under one banner.

    PCPW magazine is beneficial to the Windows/PM end-users,
    third-party application programmers, and software and hardware
    dealers. PCPW greatly enhances end-user knowledge, software
    capabilities, and reduces application providers technical
    support expenses.

    The following are some marketing considerations for potential PC
    PowerWindows advertisers:

    Subscription Pricing - A special charter subscription rate of
    $19.97 for 12 issues applies until June 30, 1990. The regular
    subscription rate is $35.97 for 12 issues.

    Newsstand Distribution - It is anticipated that by the November
    1990 issue, national single-copy distribution of PCPW will be
    instituted. Computer dealers, especially those retailing Windows
    and application programs, have committed to stocking this

    Information with Product - We feel that software and hardware
    providers benefit both their end-users and themselves by including
    our magazine subscription brochure in each product package.

    Display Advertising - The magazine offers quality paid display
    advertising ranging in size from multiple-page spreads to 1/9th
    page classified ads. They are available in up to five colors.

    Circulation Lists - PCPW offers circulation lists on labels or
    disks to qualified third parties, including advertisers, and
    Windows/PM software and hardware providers. These lists are
    provided only with the consent of our readership.

    Windows and PM User Groups - PCPW extends a welcome to all Windows
    users, including the many user groups that have or will be
    established. We note that many such groups are already
    recommending the PCPW publication to their members.


       PC PowerWindows
       4120 Galbraith School Road
       P.O. Box 9599
       Knoxville,  TN  37940

       (615) 693-5829

    All U.S. and International rights reserved. Certain trademarks
    used in this outline are hereby acknowledged as being owned by
    their respective companies.

    PC PowerWindows Magazine Subscription Form

               SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER.....save 42%
            off single issue price through June 30, 1990
             (Regular Annual Subscription Rate $35.97)

        SUBSCRIBE NOW! You pay only $19.97* for 12 monthly issues!
                       OR..... only $36.97* for 24 monthly issues!

    Please enter my charter subscription to PC PowerWindows Magazine.

    I am enclosing [ ] $19.97 for 12 issues     (__)Check   (__)Money
               OR  [ ] $36.97 for 24 issues                     Order

                                    | Computer Make _________________
    Name __________________________ | Computer Model ________________
    Company _______________________ | Monitor _______________________
    Address _______________________ | Printer _______________________
    _______________________________ | Scanner _______________________
    City __________________________ | WINDOWS or PM programs used:
    State ___________ ZIP _________ | _______________________________
    Phone# (_____)_____-___________ | _______________________________
                                    | _______________________________

    * Canadian Rates:    $29.97 in $US for 12 issues
                         $56.97 in $US for 24 issues

    Please allow 6 to 8 weeks delivery for your first issue.
    Contact publisher for subscriptions outside the USA and Canada.

    Send payment and this completed form to:

                           PC PowerWindows
                           Subscription Department
                           P.O. Box 9599
                           Knoxville, TN 37940