[sco.opendesktop] Electronic mail to SCO

rosso@sco.COM (Ross Oliver) (07/21/90)

Recently, we have received several complaints about alledged lack of
response to electronic mail messages sent to the SCO Support department.
This is disturbing, because e-mail is such a valuable tool for
technical support, and we would like to encourage using it whenever

We acknowledge all messages received at sco!support by return e-mail
within 24 hours of receipt.  But as most of you know, Usenet electronic
mail is not 100% reliable.  All of the the complaints I have checked
into were the result of either SCO never received the original message,
or the sender did not receive our acknowledgement.  To help improve
e-mail relations, I have a few suggestions for sending e-mail to SCO:

- Identify yourself in your message.  Include your full name, company
  name, a daytime telephone number where you can be reached, and,
  if you have registered with us before, your customer key number.
  This makes it much easier to contact you should we be unable to
  reply via e-mail.

- Use the shortest mail path possible.  This will get your message
  through the fastest, and reduce the chances that some machine
  along the way will drop your message in the bit bucket.

- Include a return mail path that is known to work.

- If you have not received an acknowledgement within 2 to 3 days,
  send again using a different path, or call our Tech Support
  hotline to see if your message was received.

- If mail routing is consistently unreliable, we can provide a direct
  UUCP connection between you and SCO if you have a current support

Here are some e-mail addresses that might be helpful:

    sco!support: Customer Service and Technical Support. Mail here for
		 technical questions on products you have purchased,
		 ordering fixes, media replacements, etc.

    sco!info: General-purpose address for information on SCO products
	      and services.

    sco!discover: Direct line to editors of SCO's DiSCOver newsletter.

    sco!devrel: Developer Relations department; information on special
	        programs for developers.

Major Usenet hubs SCO connects to include uunet, sun, decwrl, and
usrgrp.  Thanks to the folks at UC Santa Cruz, we can also be reached
on the Internet as the site sco.com (e.g. support@sco.com).

If you have any questions about communicating with SCO via e-mail, or
encounter any problems with lack of responsiveness, contact me directly.
I'll be happy to check on the status of any errant messages.

Ross Oliver
Technical Support
The Santa Cruz Operation, Inc.