[comp.sys.mac.hardware] Need help on HD construction and info on ST157N!!

arun@ac.dal.ca (11/10/89)

Help!!!.....If I purchase a ST 157 N 45meg SCSI raw hard dirve, a power
supply to run it, and a Mac DB25 to Centronics 50 pin SCSi cable, and
some PD formatting and utility hard drive software, will I have a normal
functioning 45 meg hard drive for my Mac Plus computer.
Does anyone know the power requirements of the Seagate ST 157 N 45 meg
SCSI hard drive?

Does anyone have the pinout specs for a standard SCSI 50 pin Centronics 
port found on most SCSI Hard drives, as well as the pinout of the 25 pin
SCSI port on the Mac Plus and how the two are connected?


                      >>>ARUN MATHUR<<<
              Dalhousie University Medical School
                Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada...

user7@amdcad.AMD.COM (Unix class) (11/18/89)

I knew a friend who connected a Seagate 277N to a 512KE using a DB25 to
50 pin SCSI Centronics cable.  He used a Shareware SCSI format program by
someone named Ephraigm Vishniac (sp?).  It seemed to work fine.  
  As to the power supply, I forget what he used -- sorry.  But you could
prbably call Seagate or a vendor to find out the requirements.
