(Alan Munn) (12/07/89)
Hi, I wonder if anyone can help me with a couple of problems: I have a Mac 512K, un-upgraded. Recently when typing, the screen has filled up with the right bracket character ']'. If I click on the maouse to select the text, it sometimes stops the characters from appearing, but only for a moment. The ']' key is not stuck or anything like that, and it is only this character that appears, independently of what character I last typed. If I change the key repat to 0 on the control panell, the characters slow down significantly but do not stop appearing. If try to type when the characters appear, characters other than the ones I type sometimes appear as well, although the system usually reverts back to repeating the ']' again. If I unplug the keyboard while the characters are displaying, they stop. The problem appears after my Mac has been on for a while (i.e. not immedialty when I start up), so I suspect it may be heat related. Any ideas? The second problem is that my disk drives no longer eject their disks without help from a paper clip. Can this be fixed? I would appreciate any replies by e-mail, since I don't ususally read these newsgroups. Thanks in advance, Alan Munn <> Linguistics Dept. <alan@umdd.bitnet> University of Maryland College Park MD 20742