[comp.sys.mac.hardware] 5.25 Diskettes on Mac IIci

powsner.medinf@yccatsmtp.ycc.yale.edu (Seth M Powsner) (02/10/90)

Any experience (or advice) on 5.25" diskette drives for reading IBM PC 
diskettes? Needed for a Mac IIci. Have been told the standard Apple driver 
board won't work in a IIci. Starting to look at DaynaFile, but I thought 
there were other alternatives. Most of the files will be WordPerfect 5.0 
(or 5.1) documents. However, may get SoftPC at some point.

xdab@tank.uchicago.edu (David Baird) (02/10/90)

In article <14983@cs.yale.edu> powsner.medinf@yccatsmtp.ycc.yale.edu (Seth M Powsner) writes:
>                            Starting to look at DaynaFile, but I thought 
>there were other alternatives. Most of the files will be WordPerfect 5.0 
>(or 5.1) documents. 

I have been using a DaynaFile with a 360k 5 1/4" drive and a 1.44Mb 3.5"
drive for over a year now with no problems. When I bought my IIci I
hooked it up and continue to use it (both drives). 

1) The DaynaFile is compact and fits on my desktop. I have the IIci
   CPU setting off to the side under my desk, so it is inconvient
   to reach over and use the Apple drive for 3.5" floppies.
2) I can read the files in any program, not just Apple's File Exchange
   program. One could use Dayna's init to mount DOS disks from the
   Apple drive, but 5 1/4" disks are still a problem with this solution,
   and I think I have seen some negative remarks on the net regarding
   the Dayna INIT. (Also see #1.)

I am glad I have the DaynaFile machine. I am also glad I have the IIci.
I think the work well together.

	David Baird

phil@vaxphw.enet.dec.com (Phil Hunt) (02/10/90)

In article <14983@cs.yale.edu>, powsner.medinf@yccatsmtp.ycc.yale.edu (Seth M Powsner) writes...
}Any experience (or advice) on 5.25" diskette drives for reading IBM PC 
}diskettes? Needed for a Mac IIci. Have been told the standard Apple driver 
}board won't work in a IIci. Starting to look at DaynaFile, but I thought 

I have a CI and it works fine for me.  I use it all the time under SoftPC and
Apple File Exchange.

Phil Hunt                      "Wherever you go, there you are!!!"
Digital Equipment Corporation                 Phone: (508)486-2164 
USENET:      phil@vaxphw.enet.dec.com
MOREUSENET:  phil%vaxphw.dec@decwrl.enet.dec.com
EVENMORE:    ....!decwrl!dec-vaxphw!phil

ashore@hpsad.HP.COM (Alex Shore) (02/13/90)

Does the Daynafile work with a Plus or SE (of course if you bought a new SE,
you wouldn't need it for 3.5" disks).  I want to buy a Daynafile for a Plus
and read MS-DOS files from LightSpeed C.  Does Dayna supply code so an MS-DOS
drive looks like a Mac volume to the file manager?  How do you use the 
Daynafile?  Only by copying the MS-DOS file(s) to a Mac volume and then 
launching your application to deal with the data once it's in the mac

Sorry for so many questions at once.  Thanks in advance for your help.

alex shore