[comp.sys.mac.hardware] Anyone built SID yet?

root@brain.UUCP (Chuck Shotton) (02/14/90)

 Has anyone actually constructed a "sound input device" as described in the
SID documentation yet? I'd be interested in the following:
1) any problems encountered with the schematic or construction
2) any software gotchas
3) a source for the ceramic resonator listed in the parts list. I can't find
   this thing anywhere. The factory, muRata Erie, won't sell direct, and all of
   their distributors have minimum orders of $200.

Chuck Shotton

arvidson@euclid.MATH.ColoState.Edu (John Arvidson) (02/20/90)

> Has anyone actually constructed a "sound input device" as described in the
> SID documentation yet? I'd be interested in the following:
> 1) any problems encountered with the schematic or construction
> 2) any software gotchas
> 3) a source for the ceramic resonator listed in the parts list. I can't find
>    this thing anywhere. The factory, muRata Erie, won't sell direct, and all
>    of their distributors have minimum orders of $200.

I ran into the same problem... I can't find a source for the ceramic resonator
and also the quad op amp.  I'd be interested in sources or substitutes if 
anyone knows of them.

John Arvidson

cc4b+@andrew.cmu.edu (Christopher Brian Cox) (02/21/90)

>I can't find a source for the ceramic resonator and also the quad op amp

The Quad Op Amp is available from Jamco Electronics
Part # TL064CN
Cost $1.49 each (Spring 1990 catalog)

I'm still trying to find a resonator or an alternative.

ksmith@andrew.ATL.GE.COM (Karl Smith) (02/22/90)

In article <MZsWyjG00Ui04Kw3F7@andrew.cmu.edu> cc4b+@andrew.cmu.edu (Christopher Brian Cox) writes:
>>I can't find a source for the ceramic resonator and also the quad op amp
>The Quad Op Amp is available from Jamco Electronics
>Part # TL064CN
>Cost $1.49 each (Spring 1990 catalog)
>I'm still trying to find a resonator or an alternative.

I sent mail to one of the authors on GEnie, and received the following
reply. I've been short on free time recently, and haven't tried it yet.

Item    6229855                 90/02/01        19:53
From:   D.FLECK                         David C. Fleck
To:     K.SMITH9                        Karl J. Smith
Sub: SID parts
Best answer I can give you now is the following:
Replace the resonator with a crystal from JAN Crystals (813) 936-2397
1.5578 Mhz, HC33U case, parallel resonant, 20 pF load cap., .005%
approx. $10 and 2-3 weeks lead time. this will also require circuit changes
as follows:
remove R2 1K resistor and replace with a short.
Change C2&C3 from 100pF to 33pF (DigiKey PN P4018).
You might try using left over 22pF's first.
I have the parts on order to double check the circuit but have not yet.
Sorry for the inconvenience and additional cost. JAN was the fastest
source with a reasonable time that I could find. They specialize
in small quantities.

rrw@naucse.UUCP (Robert Wier) (02/22/90)

 "Ceramic Resonator"?  Took me awhile to figure out that you 
 guys were talking about a CRYSTAL.

 Anyway, you might try either

     JAN crystals


    International Crystal Manf Co.

 Or better yet, someone redesign it to use one of the standard
 tv color burst crystals available from Radio Shack (easy for me
 to say...  :-) ....

 I'd be very interested in a PC board if one turns up and someone
 would post the source...

  - Bob Wier                             Northern Arizona University
   summer:Ouray, Colorado                 winter:Flagstaff, Arizona
   USENET: ...arizona!naucse!rrw  | BITNET: WIER@NAUVAX  | WB5KXH

jdu@cbnewsd.ATT.COM (john.d.unruh) (02/23/90)

In article <4790@ccncsu.ColoState.EDU> arvidson@euclid.MATH.ColoState.Edu.UUCP (John Arvidson) writes:
>I ran into the same problem... I can't find a source for the ceramic resonator
>and also the quad op amp.  I'd be interested in sources or substitutes if 
>anyone knows of them.
>John Arvidson

I have looked at the schematics.  From what I saw, I think that the ceramic
resonator is just being used as the frequency determining component for the
oscillator portion of the circuit.  I don't know of any reason that this
part has to be used rather than a crystal cut for the proper frequency.  After
all, what that part of the circuit is doing is developing a square wave to
clock the next device (don't have schematics handy and don't remember what it
is).  This is frequently done using some inverters and a crystal.  I expect
that some circuit modifications other than just putting in a crystal at the 
proper frequency might be necessary to make it work properly.

John Unruh

al@io.cs.pittsburgh.edu (Alan Martello) (02/27/90)

Well, my solution which I am attempting (my order is in the mail) is to
use e 3.000 MHz Ceramic Resonator from Digi-Key and just divide it by 2.

Yes, I know that will NOT give me 1.558 Mhz but 1.5 Mhz but heck, for
$1 for the resonator plus .39 for the flip flop, it is worth a try.

From my superficial reading of the hardware description, it sounded
like the mac was being externally clocked by my chosen frequency,
so it (hopefully) won't matter if I'm ~3% low.

Flames to /dev/null, but constructive criticism/feedback to comp.sys.mac.hardware

       Alan R. Martello        Electrical Engineering Dept.
        al@ee.pitt.edu           University of Pittsburgh