ph@miro.Berkeley.EDU (Paul Heckbert) (03/01/90)
I'm soon going to purchase some peripherals for my IIci. Two questions: (1) What recommendations can you make on large (19" - 21") color monitors? I'd like 24 bit color. Do monitor manufacturers always bundle the frame buffer (graphics memory) card with the monitor itself, or can you buy them separately? What experiences have people had with sharpness, convergence, WYSIWYG-ness with various software, graphics speed, maintenance, and price? How much fuzzier are color monitors than B&W ones? What new monitors are on the horizon? (2) Recommendations on fast modems, huge modem transfers What are the fastest modems around? Is 9600 bits-per-sec the best? I'd like to transfer huge (multi-megabyte) files from SF to Hong Kong, to avoid courier unreliability, so I need a fast, reliable modem and good communication software to go with it. Any recommendations? Please email any experiences or pointers to related reviews. Paul Heckbert, Computer Science Dept. Evans Hall, UC Berkeley INTERNET: Berkeley, CA 94720 UUCP: ucbvax!!ph