[comp.sys.mac.hardware] Hot hard disk

fiver@cup.portal.com (Kevin Michael Vail) (03/13/90)

I have a Jasmine Direct Drive 80 that I got at the beginning of 1988.  It
has been working fine all this time, but in the last few months has developed
an annoying problem whenever it gets too warm.  Today it hit 90 in Washington
and tonight the disk did its usual "I don't really to write, don't make me"
maneuver.  I shut down (I've learned to save frequently enough that it's
almost impossible to lose work) and haven't tried to start it up again yet.
The interesting thing is that the side of the drive was almost too hot to

Does anyone have any clues as to what might be going on here?  The filter
is clean and nothing is blocking airflow anywhere.  Am I courting disaster
(more than I already have been!) if I remove the outer case to let *lots*
of air at the disk?  This is getting really annoying!

Reply by E-mail, all suggestions appreciated!
Kevin Vail