[net.columbia] my poem "The Mortal Chariot" Challenger

harwood@cvl.UUCP (02/04/86)

	Today I received by e-mail a reply criticizing me
for putatively 'blaming' a 'lord', in my poem, for destruction
of the Challenger. The brief reply includes a rejoinder poem,
"The Mortal Idiot", which apparently would blame some mortal,
incompetent technician(s). 
	So that there is no mistake about my intention, my 
reply is posted here, followed by my original poem:

Dear John,
	I'm afraid you misunderstand. It was not my intention
to blame anyone, certainly not God. As a religious person, I am
simply confounded like everyone by the profound mystery of our
mortal destiny. From this religious point of view, to blame a
technician, is no answer to the inscrutability of providence.
	I'm sorry you disliked my poem,
					David Harwood

(original posting)

January 28, 1986. Space Shuttle 'Challenger' Explodes, Killing Crew

      ~ The Mortal Chariot ~

	Behold the Lord
	has raised within
	a pillar of cloud
	a fiery chariot
	our hearts therein
	this wintry day.

	Behold the Lord
	has crushed within
	the pillar of cloud
	the fiery chariot
	our hearts therein
	the cargo bay.
					David Harwood