As I was printing a set of labels tonight, I noticed that the platen drive motor in my Imagewriter II was *quite* hot. So hot that it smelled, and was uncomfortable to touch. Vague memories stirred in my head that lately the printer had been locking the platen in place while idling, which it hadn't done in the past. The printer doesn't get much use, so burn-out of the drivers is unlikely. Could it be a software driver which is incompatible with my system? As in keeping one (or more) phases of the stepper motor energized? My system is a 512KE upgraded to 1M with SCSI (Dove) running system 6.0.4, Finder 6.1.4, Imagewriter driver 2.7. E-Mail responses, and I will summarize what I find. Curt McNamara Management Graphics, Inc. Mpls., MN 55425 (612) 851-6115