(PAMUG user group) (06/05/90)
Hi. I have a Mac IIci and am considering the purchase of an ibm board to install into the machine. If possible, could anyone point me to good buys, good products, or a good review of boards? I have seen softpc, it looks nice, but I am looking for something with a little bit more speed. also if it's possible, to be able to hook up to a scanner (directly to the pc board, not thru the mac) thanks for any help. (btw- the scanner hookup is secondary, right now a good board is what i need to find. if it is possible to have a scanner hooked in also, great) Adrian Sullivan, axs@psuarch.bitnet PAMUG - Pennsylvania Apple Microcomputer User Group Little Mac bbs - (814) 237-1605 (settings 8n1, 24hr) mac111@psuvm.bitnet