[comp.sys.mac.hardware] Surge suppressors: worse than useless?

bhatlas@pyrite.som.cwru.edu (Sunil Bhatla) (06/17/90)

This article is from the June 1990 issue of the Princeton Macintosh
Users Group Newsletter, and is copyright 1990 by Andy Baird. It may be
reprinted in substantially unedited form by other nonprofit
publications, provided this notice remains intact.

Surge suppressors: worse than useless? 
Andy Baird

ZZZZZAAAAPPP! Jolted out of my early-morning sleep by the deafening buzz
of an electrical arc, I knew at once something was badly wrong. I lunged
toward the sound, which came from beneath my computer desk, taking in at
a glance the ominous blue-white glare from my surge suppressor, and the
cloud of black soot staining the wall behind it. I ripped the Mac's plug
from the outlet as the arc died and an evil smell filled the room.

After my heart had stopped pounding, I examined the remains of my surge
suppressor. Looking at the charred interior of the case, I shuddered. If
it had been made of plastic instead of steel, there probably would have
been a fire. The MOVs (Metal Oxide Varistors) had been literally blown
apart by the force of the surge; then, like a welder's rod, had arced
across the bare wire leads.

I thanked my lucky stars that the MOVs had done their job and saved my
Mac, while wondering whether there wasn't a better way to protect
equipment-a way that didn't involve an explosive failure of the
components that did the protecting.

I thought about the time, a couple of years back, when my Hayes
Smartmodem had died during a thunderstorm, along with a couple of chips
on my computer's motherboard. I had surge protection on the computer,
but none on the telephone line. When lightning struck nearby, a spike
came up the phone line, fried the modem, then continued up the serial
cable to kill the line-driver chips in my computer. After that
experience, I added a surge suppressor on my phone line, so I was
completely protected.

Or so I thought at the time.

Now I know I was wrong. In fact, I now realize that the modem was
probably killed by my surge suppressor. The MOVs which were supposed to
protect my computer had done their job by shunting an incoming
power-line surge onto the ground conductor-the same ground used by the
modem as a signal ground reference. The result was a few thousand volts
across the modem's inputs-and a dead modem.

Everything you know is wrong

I want to make three main points in this article. First, the surge
suppressor you own, if it's more than a year old, is probably not
protecting your equipment, because its MOVs have degraded to the point
of uselessness-and there's no practical way you can test this. Second,
even if it's brand new, or uses expensive TransZorb devices instead of
MOVs, it is designed to dump surge energy onto the ground conductor used
as a reference by your modem, network connection or other serial device,
thus endangering your peripherals or other networked computers even if
it protects your own computer. Third, there is a new device which will
protect your equipment over the long term-ten to twenty years-without
endangering it.

Before I tackle those three points-and try to convince you that the
conventional wisdom about surge suppressors is wrong-let me tell you
where this information comes from.

Lightning strikes in the capitol

The National Institute of Standards and Technology, in Washington, DC,
has a section devoted to the study of power-line surges. The head of the
group, Francois Martzloff, has been studying surges and other transient
electrical phenomena for many years, resulting in ANSI/IEEE standards
(C632.41-1980, if you're interested) defining commonly-encountered
spikes and surges. A recent experiment, in which surges were
artificially induced in the power wiring of an industrial building,
yielded an unexpected result: suppressor-protected computers were
undamaged, but serial printers connected to them were damaged by surges
on the data input lines-not the power line.

Where had these surges come from? Martzloff and his colleagues finally
concluded that the data-line spikes which had damaged the printers had
been created when the computers' surge suppressors shunted the excess
electrical energy to the common ground conductor. The printers had been
killed by the surge suppressors!

Interestingly, the NIST team was not the first to arrive at this
conclusion. A small New Jersey company, Zero Surge Inc., had been
founded not long before by two engineers who set out to build a power
conditioning device which would not dump excess energy to ground. We'll
talk more about the Zero Surge device later...but now let's consider my
three major points.

The mortality of MOVs

A look at GE's "MOV Design Manual" reveals several interesting facts.
First, MOVs don't begin to respond to a voltage spike until 10-40
nanoseconds. That may sound fast, but the typical spike described in the
IEEE standard has a rise time of just 5 nanoseconds. That means an MOV
can't react fast enough to stop the most common electrical spikes-spikes
the IEEE standard says can be expected many times a week in an average

Second, MOVs wear out. Every little jolt shortens the lifetime of an
MOV, until finally it fails to provide any protection. Those little
jolts include the several-times-a-week spikes described in the IEEE
standard. A recent article in the industry journal LAN Times (May 1990)
says: "If your surge protectors have been in use for a while (six months
is a reasonable time), the MOVs may be incapable of proper performance.
Moreover, as the [MOV] ages, its clamping voltage decreases and it may
begin a process called thermal runaway, which has resulted in fire."
(Remember, I spent a long time scrubbing the soot off my walls after my
surge suppressors burned up!)

A dead MOV-more precisely, one which has deteriorated to the point where
it offers no protection-can only be detected with expensive,
sophisticated test gear. That ten-cent LED which glows so reassuringly
on your present surge suppressor may make a good night light, but it
tells little or nothing about whether your MOVs are really doing their
job, or have gotten tired and given up. I've been shown several
commercial surge suppressors (a Kensington MasterPiece, among others)
which appeared fully functional, but provided no surge protection

In short, MOVs provide inadequate protection; they wear out in the
course of normal use, and they fail without warning, possibly posing a
fire hazard.

What about TransZorbs?

I've always figured I was extra safe, because my Mac was plugged into an
expensive power strip using TransZorbs instead of MOVs. TransZorbs
(avalanche diodes) are semiconductor devices which respond faster than
MOVs, and don't degrade with time. However, I've recently discovered
that they have another problem: when a really big surge hits, they fail
"open", so they can't divert the surge voltage, just when they're needed

But that's minor. The real problem is this: just about all presently
available surge suppressors, whether they use MOVs or TransZorbs, are
wired to divert, or shunt, energy to ground. As the NIST researchers
found, this almost guarantees contamination of data lines, resulting in
garbled data at best, and fried equipment at worst. The same design flaw
which cooked my Hayes modem and those printers in Washington is built
into almost every surge suppressor made, from the cheapest to the most
expensive. The LAN Times sums it up this way: "Networks should only
employ surge protectors that do not shunt surges to ground. If
[existing] power conditioning devices contaminate the reference ground
by introducing surges, it may be wise to remove such devices from a
network or to replace them with something better."

Some people may think they're protected by the use of UPS
(uninterruptible power supply) equipment, which by definition is a 100%
battery-fed system. But not only are UPSs quite expensive, their inputs
are protected by the same fifteen-cent MOVs the average surge
suppressor. (The single exception, Abacus Controls, licenses its
technology from Zero Surge, the small company I mentioned earlier.)

A singular solution

So how can you protect your expensive computer equipment? The LAN Times
has this to say: "The ideal surge protector would be a circuit that
presents a high impedance to the the surge and a low impedance to the
[normal] power wave, while protecting the integrity of the ground
circuit. It should also contain no degrading components like MOVs." Such
devices exist; they are made by Zero Surge, Inc.

If I tell you that the Zero Surge units appear to be the only surge
suppressors on the market which work properly, you'll have a right to be
skeptical. After all, the power conditioning business is full of snake
oil salesmen, each claiming that only his product is worth buying. Well,
I don't blame you. I was certainly skeptical at first. But after reading
articles in LAN Times, PC Week and Power Quality magazines and talking
with electrical engineers as well as the president of Zero Surge, I
believe the Zero Surge protectors are the only ones which 1) will
adequately protect equipment and 2) won't contaminate data lines by
dumping surges onto the ground circuit.

The Zero Surge unit differs in four fundamental ways from ordinary surge

1. It's a series circuit with zero response time. It intercepts all
surges, including the common 5 nanosecond surges which are too fast for
MOVs to divert.

2. It contains no MOVs or other sacrificial or degrading parts, and no
components are overstressed by surges of unlimited current up to 6000
volts (the IEEE standard). Its service life is equal to the shelf life
of its components, which is why Zero Surge warrants its products for 10
years, and thereafter offers to upgrade any unit to new condition at any
time for 20% of whatever the unit then sells for.

3. Critical for networks and modems (BBS and LAN users take note), Zero
Surge does not use ground as a surge sink, but instead stores the surge
energy temporarily, then slowly releases it to the neutral line. This
preserves the integrity of the ground for its role as voltage reference
by all dataline interconnections.

4. Zero Surge takes the sharp leading edges off surges and noise,
eliminating their ability to couple into computer circuitry. Zero Surge
makes 2 sizes of surge interceptors, a 7.5 Amp model (list $149), which
is right for those of us who don't have laser printers, and a 15 Amp
model (list $199) for those who do. The 15 Amp unit is offered at a
special price of $169 to user group members. (You won't be surprised to
hear that I bought one!)

Zero Surge president Wendell Laidley is a straightforward, soft-spoken
man who emphasizes his desire to answer any and all questions about his
product. His phone number is 201-766-4220 (fax number: 201-766-4144).
Don't hesitate to call him.

[My special thanks to Chris Bannister of the Princeton Apple User Group
for bringing this to my attention, and for allowing me to excerpt from
his article on the subject. -Ed.]

sidebar: How does it work?

Briefly, Zero Surge employs a 100 microHenry current limiting inductor,
followed by a voltage limiting bridge. The bridge contains several
triggered energy absorbing stages that respond according to the slew
rate and energy of the incoming surge, and keep maximum let-through
voltage under 250 volts (in UL 1449 tests at 6000 volts and 500 amps,
let-through was 223 volts, or 42 volts above AC power line peak, the
best ever tested by UL).

The unit contains three large electrolytic capacitors. One capacitor is
charged to track the sine wave peak at all times; the other two are
uncharged except during a surge. The rated life of these capacitors,
under 24-hour-a-day full load, is 11.5 years.  Regarding the claim of
"zero response time," Laidley says, "The first component is an
inductor, in series with the line, that responds instantly to the surge
current. The output rise time of this inductor is far slower than the
low nanosecond range response time of the bridge diodes. Zero Surge
reduces surge rise time by approximately 40 times, thus reducing the
disturbance below the threshold, to a point where no significant
coupling can occur."

By the way, all the Zero Surge components are in full view when the box
is opened; there are no "hidden parts" and none of the epoxy
encapsulation so often found in other units.

I'll give the LAN Times the final say: "If it doesn't have UL or CSA
certification as a transient voltage surge suppression device, don't buy
it. Look for the UL 1449 clamping voltage in the product literature. If
the device has UL certification as a temporary power tap, it means that
UL has a high opinion of it as an extension cord, not as a surge

----------end of article

Sunil Bhatla                      |||  INTERNET: bhatlas@pyrite.som.cwru.edu
Weatherhead School of Management  |||       AOL: SunilB