I am using a laserwriter plus to print some graphs with alot of points, say 4 graphs per page with 15000 points per graph. Well these pages take about 1hr to come out of the laserwriter, which, needless to say, is unacceptable. I have a deskwriter on order, as I think the speed will increase tremendously if my macII does the imaging itself. But I'd really like to find a faster laserwriter (_much_ faster), and I wonder if the II NTX will be that much better. I guess it has a 68020 (or is it a '30) but what I really need, I think, is a 6888x floating point processor. Is there one in the NTX, can one be added, or would postscript even take advantage of it? Finally, are there any third party printers that are not too expensive that are much faster? Thanks in advance for any help, Fred Schulz