(Wiley M Sanders) (07/02/90)
I have the following things I will ship to the first person who sends me a check for the shipping costs. Both are not functional, obsolete, and useful only as hardware hacking projects: 1) Tecmar Mac Drive: A 10MB ST506 drive, and related circuitry to interface to Mac SERIAL port (NOT Woz port, NOT SCSI port), compatible with up to System 3.2. Shipping: $20. (With cable.) 2) 512K Logic Board: Something is wrong with the video circuity. Bottom third of screen gets snowy, then goes completely. Originally 128K board, home-upgraded to 512K. With OLD 64K ROMs. Shipping: $10. I also have an Apple modem 1200 in good working order which I will ship to the first person who sends me a check for $25. If you need it I'll include a DB-9 to DB-25 RS232 cable. Respond to: "" and send check to Wiley Sanders 10391 Heney Creek Place Cupertino, CA 95014 Thanks in advance to anyone interested in taking this junk off my hands. I hate to throw it in the trash heap knowing that somewhere out there there is a hardware hacker who can Put it to some good use :^)