mrys@ethz.UUCP (Michael Rys) (07/23/90)
I received a 2nd Mac color monitor which has a broken case and some problems with colours but otherwise working fine. How can use it to enlarge my Mac's desktop real-estate? I guess I need a second card (is a 1bit card working or do I need a more expensive card?). What software do I need? Since the colours are not displaying properly, I guess it wouldn't matter if the second screen would be b/w. Any help appreciated.../Michael +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | Michael Rys, V. Conzett Str. 34; CH-8004 Zuerich; Switzerland | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ | UUCP: mrys@ethz.UUCP or EAN: | | mrys@bernina.UUCP IPSANet: mrys@ipsaint | | Voice: +41 1 242 35 87 | +---------------------------------------------------------------+ -- Wovon man nicht sprechen kann, darueber muss man schweigen. -- Ludwig Wittgenstein, Tractatus logico-philosophicus