[comp.sys.mac.hardware] Daisychaining apple 400K drives...

delingma@THUNDER.LAKEHEADU.CA (08/27/90)

I have a Mac Plus at home, with an extra 400K external drive. I picked up a
spare 400K drive over the weekend ($25) and am wondering if it is possible
to daisy-chain the two 400K drives. All I get out of Inside Mac (I-III) is
that the internal has a drive number of 1, the external has a drive number
of 2, and any other drive has a bigger number. This seems to say that it will
work, but not how. Will I have to build a Y-cable of some sort? Any ideas,
tips, comments etc are greatly appreciated.

| Dan Lingman, Lakehead U.    |              ASSASSINS'R'US                  |
|delingma@thunder.lakeheadu.ca|              ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~                  |
|-----------------------------| 'When you care enough to send the very best' |
|Undergrad CompSci and Mac'er.|     (Student, Senior and Bulk Discounts)     |