[comp.sys.mac.hardware] Recovering data from CMS drive

volaski@acsu.buffalo.edu (Maurice Volaski) (09/08/90)

Does anyone know of any reliable companies for data recovery from a hard disk?
The disk in question, by the way, is a CMS Platinum drive and it is the third
one to go dead on us in the past two years.

Maurice Volaski
University at Buffalo

alex@grian.cps.altadena.ca.us (Alex Pournelle) (09/11/90)

volaski@acsu.buffalo.edu (Maurice Volaski) writes:

>Does anyone know of any reliable companies for data recovery from a hard disk?
>The disk in question, by the way, is a CMS Platinum drive and it is the third
>one to go dead on us in the past two years.

>Maurice Volaski
>University at Buffalo

Glad you found us!

		Alex Pournelle, freelance thinker
		Also: Workman & Associates, Data recovery for PCs, Macs, others
		...elroy!grian!alex; BIX: alex; voice: (818) 791-7979
		fax: (818) 794-2297    bbs: 791-1013; 8N1 24/12/3