billp@boulder.Colorado.EDU (Bill Pachoud) (09/13/90)
I would like to know if the 19" mono monitor Ehman Engineering sells is the exact same monitor as Sun uses on their mono 19" workstations. I have looked at the Sun monitors inside and out for years, and recently looked at the Ehman 19" as for an SE. The monitor is definitely the same manufacturer and package, but I want to know if the internal electronics, scan rate, etc. are the same. I have a Sun 19' mono monitor on order for my Sun and would like to know if I could buy a video card from Ehman (or can someone tell me others that would work, recommendations?) to use w/ this monitor. I have a Mac IIx. If I receive enough interest and replies, I will post a summary to the net. Thanks, Bill Pachoud -- o Bill Pachoud _ /-_ (_)>(_)