(Brain in Neutral) (09/27/90)
I have an Apple LaserWriter II NTX that has printed many thousands (20+) of pages with no problem. Lately, however, it refuses to let paper travel through it reliably. The paper usually jams after about 1 inch of it passes out of the metal plate near the transfer paper lock. On occasion it will jam just at it begins to pass under the fixing rollers. I've tried cleaning lots of things, but to little avail so far. Do I (gasp) have to send it in to be fixed? -- Paul DuBois "Was all of this because I wore a big man's hat?"
robertt@hp-vcd.HP.COM (Bob Taylor) (09/27/90)
| "was all of this because I wore a big man's hat?"
quote from Charlie Peacock? - just curious
bob taylor
HP Vancouver