[comp.sys.mac.hardware] What good is a Fat Mac?

dave@PRC.Unisys.COM (David Lee Matuszek) (09/28/90)

I have a friend with a 512K Mac, with an external 400K drive, who
would like to make the machine "usable".  Up until recently I would
have said that a 512K Mac was still quite usable, but now that seems
very questionable (mostly because a modern System and Finder won't fit
on a 400K disk).  I think the best thing she could do would be to put
a hard drive on the machine, but...oops, no SCSI port.

She wants the system primarily for use by her young daughter.  I could
transfer programs from 800K disks onto 400K disks for her, but...oops,
all the software aimed at kids is copy-protected.

She'd like to upgrade to a 512KE (cost, about $300), which would at
least let her read 800K disks.  To upgrade to a Mac Plus (to get a
SCSI port) would be more than $500, which is about what used Mac
Pluses are going for.

I would advise her to sell the machine, but it isn't hers to
sell--it's on more-or-less permanent loan from someone else.

It's a nice machine, in excellent condition, and I hate to see it
become a doorstop.  More importantly, I'd like to see her and her
daughter get some use out of it.

Does anyone have any advice on better/cheaper upgrades that would
help, or on how to get the best use out of a 512K machine?

Please email any suggestions, since 512K machines are probably not of
general interest to this group :-(.  Many thanks.
-- Dave Matuszek (dave@prc.unisys.com)
-- Unisys Corp. / Paoli Research Center / PO Box 517 / Paoli PA  19301
-- Any resemblance between my opinions and those of my employer is improbable.
< You can put a mouse on an IBM.  And you can put a radio on a motorcycle. >