(Glendor of Ulek) (10/15/90)
Hello, I'm Service Manager and Head Tehnician of a large Apple Authorized service department here in Manitoba...My question is a follows: Regularily I get questions from people as to what caused there Mac Plus Power supply to go down, or the Drive to stop Writing. I usually have a few troubleshooting idea's I give them to avoid possible recurances but in most cases it's either a question of user abuse or coponent tolerance. Both of which I have a hard time trying to get across to the end user... Basically, I'm tackling this question and making a brochure to give to customers that have questions about how computers break down. I have thought it out and come up with a few good points. If any of you are in similar positions I would be interested in hearing your solutions, likewise if there are any users out there that have input I'm all ears... If the responce is worthwhile I will post a copy of the completed document for intersted users... -- (<=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=>) Darren J. Wiebe | Internet: Box 141, Station L | Quote: 'scuse me, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada | while I puke and die!