[comp.sys.mac.hardware] Apple's Dual Page Display & 256 Shades of Gray

21602MR@MSU.BITNET (Mark Rosenberg) (10/25/90)

At a recent computer faire on campus Apple's booth was sporting several 2 Page
displays which were running 256 shades of gray.  The monitor and card I have,
which is several years old, will only support 16 shades of gray as far as I
know.  I didn't get a chance to peek inside and see what card was driving
the monitor, but suspect it was the 8-24 card ?  I also didn't see if Apple
has changed the connector on the monitor cable.  I want 256 shades of gray !
Does anbody know if I can just pop in a 8-24 card, will my *old* 2 page display
cable fit an 8-24 card ?  Can I add vram to my existing apple video board ?


/Mark Rosenberg

midkiff@portia.Stanford.EDU (Neil Midkiff) (10/26/90)

In article <69121602MR@MSU> 21602MR@MSU.BITNET (Mark Rosenberg) writes:
>At a recent computer faire on campus Apple's booth was sporting several 2 Page
>displays which were running 256 shades of gray.  The monitor and card I have,
>which is several years old, will only support 16 shades of gray as far as I
>know.  I didn't get a chance to peek inside and see what card was driving
>the monitor, but suspect it was the 8-24 card ?  I also didn't see if Apple
>has changed the connector on the monitor cable.  I want 256 shades of gray !
>Does anyone know if I can just pop in a 8-24 card, will my *old* 2page display
>cable fit an 8-24 card ?  Can I add vram to my existing apple video board ?

The 8-24 card will indeed drive the 2-page monitor with 256 grays.
(At least my 8-24 GC does! :-)  I don't know which connector your old
cable has...when I bought my 2-page this summer, I got two cables, one
of which fits the old 2-page 16-gray card (has a little coax plug on
the COMPUTER end of the cable inside the D-connector shell), and one
of which fits the 8-24GC, with a normal D-15 connector.  I'm pretty
sure that 4 bits/pixel (16 grays) is the limit for the older card.

I agree- some applications really work best in 256 grays! And on the
big Apple 2-page screen, it's truly beautiful.
Good luck!

hpoppe@ncar.ucar.edu (Herb Poppe) (10/26/90)

In article <1990Oct26.090855.16692@portia.Stanford.EDU> 
midkiff@portia.Stanford.EDU (Neil Midkiff) writes:
> The 8-24 card will indeed drive the 2-page monitor with 256 grays.

Will the 8*24 or 8*24GC cards drive existing 3rd-party 19 or 20" color 

Any rumors about the future availability of a 19/20" color monitor from 

Did PCPC ever release their "pivotable" color monitor?

Herb Poppe             hpoppe@ncar.ucar.edu
NCAR                      (303) 497-1296
1850 Table Mesa Dr.
Boulder, CO  80307-3000