(John Kemp) (11/06/90)
Here is a summary of the prices for Ethernet cards for the MacII.
This is by no means comprehensive, just the results of a quick
perusal of MacWorld and replies from about 3 netters.
The consensus seems to be Asante' has a good, inexpensive product.
Some of the other companies to consider are Apple, Nuvolink,
and Cayman. Here are some prices:
MacCon+IIE $247.50 (Asante') Special Price and Univ Discount
NuvolinkII $271 (MacZone)
MacCon+IIE $390 (Mac Place)
MacCon+IIE $395 (MacAvenue)
GatorCard I/II $460 (Mac Place)
See December 1990 MacWorld pg 116 for Asante' info.
-------- john kemp ( ( )_ internet -
----- ( ( __) decnet - uiatmb::kemp
--- univ of illinois (_ ( __) bitnet - {uunet,convex}
-- dept of atmos sci .(____). !uiucuxc!uiatma!kemp
- 105 s gregory ave ... phone - (217) 333-6881
- urbana, il 61801 ... fax - (217) 444-4393
**************************** SUMMARY OF REPLIES *******************************
From: "C. Carlson" <>
Check out MacWharehouse, I think they are selling the Nuvolink II
ethernet board for $279.
From: (Kurt Baumann)
> - Recommendations for Ethernet cards for Mac and PC?
Asante offers about the cheapest cards, they work well. Cayman and InterLan
offer the fastest cards on the market, they all work fine and are not too
Hope some of this helps.--
Kurt Baumann InterCon Systems Corporation
703.709.9890 Creators of fine TCP/IP products
703.709.9896 FAX for the Macintosh.
I just bought an Asanti Enet card for $272 You've got your choice of 10baseT/
Thick wire or Thin/Thick.
The sales critter said that Mac World rated them fastest.
I dealt directly with Asante corp in Sunnyvale, CA. I just called information
to get their number. Make sure you tell them your an educational institution.
I faxed them a PO and had the board in 3 days...
Mark Powers
**************************** END OF SUMMARY *******************************