(Stan Armstrong) (11/29/90)
A while back MacProducts was getting bad press on the net for poor service customer relations. Does anyone know whether they have cleaned up their act? We are interested in the Railgun 030 accelerator. It looks like a great deal for the money. Since we need four of them, the money is important. But at this distance, we don't want to buy into a nightmare. Someone suggested that Novy offers a comparable product for $90 more, the Novy Quick30. Does anyone have experience with Novy? Does their board include the faster SCSI interface? Does it require a solder or clip-on installation? Does anyone have their phone number or address? Thanks. Stan Armstrong -- Stan Armstrong. Religious Studies Dept, Saint Mary's University, Halifax, N.S. att!clyde!watmath!water!dalcs!armstrng | ARMSTRONG@STMARYS.BITNET