[comp.sys.mac.hardware] Quibbling about new macs

josh@athena.mit.edu (Josh Hartmann) (12/01/90)

In article <1990Nov30.210449.3362@magnus.ircc.ohio-state.edu>, gaynor@magnus.ircc.ohio-state.edu (Jim Gaynor) writes:
|> In article <109561@convex.convex.com> woods@convex.com (Darrin Woods) writes:
|> >	Apple GROSSLY underpowered the power supply and has been the
|> >cause of a lot of 'accidents' with adding peripherals and third party
|> >items that draw too much power.
|> 	OK, I've heard enough about this.
|> 	The point to all this is - has anyone considered the
|> possibility of beefing up the IIsi's power supply?  Can any hardware
|> person out there tell me that it's either impossible or not feasible
|> or horribly expensive to do this?

You know, it's the same old story. People like the price of the new Mac IIsi,
and IMHO it's a great machine for the price.
But people are criticizing the machine for:
     a. not enough power supply (see above references)
     b. not having the same 25MHz speed as the Mac IIci
     c. for having a "new" slot -- the funky PDS instead of a NuBus
     d. for not having a CPU ($249 option)
     e. for not having enough slots
     f. for having weird video configuration
     g. for taking smaller drives (1/3 height)
Now, I ask, if you got all these things in a Mac IIsi, what would you have?
Namely, a Macintosh IIci.
And naturally a bigger price (a la Mac IIci)
So stop quibbling. That's what you get for asking for a cheap Mac II.

 \                     \     MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY    \
  \     Josh Hartmann   \            Cambridge, Massachusetts          \
   \ josh@athena.mit.edu \    why exactly would MIT care what I say?    \
    \                     \          I'm just a lousy student            \

sburke@jarthur.Claremont.EDU (Scott Burke) (12/01/90)


WHO MAKES 1/3-HEIGHT DRIVES????????    HELP!!!!!!!!!!


Bill_W_Michling@cup.portal.com (12/01/90)

Check out MicroNet, they have hard drives for all of the new Macs.
Hope this helps......

torrie@Neon.Stanford.EDU (Evan James Torrie) (12/02/90)

josh@athena.mit.edu (Josh Hartmann) writes:
>You know, it's the same old story. People like the price of the new Mac IIsi,
>and IMHO it's a great machine for the price.
>But people are criticizing the machine for:
>     a. not enough power supply (see above references)
>     b. not having the same 25MHz speed as the Mac IIci
>     c. for having a "new" slot -- the funky PDS instead of a NuBus
>     d. for not having a CPU ($249 option)

  If this were the case, not only would it be brain-damaged, it would
also be "brain-missing" :-) :-)  [sorry for wasting bandwidth]

Evan Torrie.  Stanford University, Class of 199?       torrie@cs.stanford.edu   
"She's got a tongue like an electric eel, and she likes the taste of a 
 man's tonsils!"  - Rik Flashheart

josh@athena.mit.edu (Josh Hartmann) (12/03/90)

In article <1990Dec2.000711.27518@Neon.Stanford.EDU> torrie@Neon.Stanford.EDU (Evan James Torrie) writes:
>josh@athena.mit.edu (Josh Hartmann) writes:
>>You know, it's the same old story. People like the price of the new Mac IIsi,
>>and IMHO it's a great machine for the price.
>>But people are criticizing the machine for:
>>     d. for not having a CPU ($249 option)
>                          ^^^
>  If this were the case, not only would it be brain-damaged, it would
>also be "brain-missing" :-) :-)  [sorry for wasting bandwidth]

Alas, Evan, you are right. Of course, I meant to say FPU and not CPU.
Thanks for pointing out the mistake!
And sorry for the oversight.

 \                     \     MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY    \
  \     Josh Hartmann   \            Cambridge, Massachusetts          \
   \ josh@athena.mit.edu \    why exactly would MIT care what I say?    \

tjc@castle.ed.ac.uk (A J Cunningham) (12/03/90)

In article <1990Dec1.015257.4891@athena.mit.edu> josh@athena.mit.edu (Josh Hartmann) writes:
>But people are criticizing the machine for:
>     a. not enough power supply (see above references)
>     b. not having the same 25MHz speed as the Mac IIci
>     c. for having a "new" slot -- the funky PDS instead of a NuBus
>     d. for not having a CPU ($249 option)

	Well, you know if someone tried to sell me a computer without a
CPU I'd criticise them. :-) Now an MMU I would call an option.


Tony Cunningham, Edinburgh University Computing Service. tjc@castle.ed.ac.uk

		If a man among you got no sin upon his hand
	    Let him cast a stone at me for playing in the band.

woods@convex.com (Darrin Woods) (12/04/90)

In article <9889@jarthur.Claremont.EDU> sburke@jarthur.Claremont.EDU (Scott Burke) writes:
>Back to the SUBJECT PLEASE!
>WHO MAKES 1/3-HEIGHT DRIVES????????    HELP!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry,  Conner supplies both 40 and I think now an 80.  Quantum is now
shipping 80's and 105's and I believe that also have a 40.  Rumor also
has it that Quantum will have a 170 and 210 soon.  The Quantum's are
kinda cute - in a HD sort of way.  The Conners have been used for quite
some time in the Mac Portable.  Both vendors produce good drives that
will work quite nicely.

Senior Systems Engineer

Darrin R. Woods						woods@convex.com

This is a guest account. Convex knows nothing about what I'm saying, or
even that I'm saying it.

hpoppe@ncar.ucar.edu (Herb Poppe) (12/06/90)

In article <109796@convex.convex.com> woods@convex.com (Darrin Woods) 
> In article <9889@jarthur.Claremont.EDU> sburke@jarthur.Claremont.EDU 
(Scott Burke) writes:
> >
> >Back to the SUBJECT PLEASE!
> >
> >WHO MAKES 1/3-HEIGHT DRIVES????????    HELP!!!!!!!!!!
> Sorry,  Conner supplies both 40 and I think now an 80.

What is the size of the Conner 510MB (list $1295) that was discussed here 

Herb Poppe             hpoppe@ncar.ucar.edu
NCAR                      (303) 497-1296
1850 Table Mesa Dr.
Boulder, CO  80307-3000