[comp.sys.mac.hardware] 68030 for MacPlus SUMMARY: Clip 'n' Save!

shores@fergvax.unl.edu (Shores) (01/18/91)

Thanks to everyone who responded to my '030 for a MacPlus.

For plus owners, there are at least two 68030 solutions, one from Total
Systems (the Gemini line) and one from MacProdcuts USA (the Railgun
line).  I didn't get any info on those from Novy, partly because I
couldn't find any listings for them in the usual Mac mail order outlets
(I'm fairly sure that the Railgun is really the Novy Quik30 line). I didn't
even consider the Dove Marathon unit, since it doesn't take advantage of
the 68030's power (so you only get a 10-15% speed increase).

Anyway, I called MacProducts and MacConnection (they had the Total
Systems) for info.

Total Systems (MacConnection @ 1-800-800-2222):

I was after the cheapest possible solution, so the cheapest model was
the 16MHz model for $499.  The SE version is only $389, but you need
special garbage to rig it up a plus since it doesn't have a slot.  The
salesperson (SHE was very knowledgeable, btw) honestly told me that just
installing the $499 unit alone wouldn't give me much of a speed
increase, only about 15% (like the Dove unit).  She said that I would
need the little add-on memory card which could hold 4 SIMMs.  That would
cost another $269 (with no memory) or $469 (with 4MBs already
installed).  She said I could just use my existing 4MBs in the memory
card and put my old 256k SIMMs back on the motherboard.  Arrgh! I just
realized I forgot to ask about using an FPU with it. Installation would
be by clip-on (which could be bad, see below).

MacProducts USA (1-800-MAC-DISK):

Their 16MHz unit listed at $499 also.  The salesman (who was just as
knowledgeable and friendly as the MacConnection salesperson) informed me
that they highly recommend their supplementary power supply just for the
card, so not to tax the extremely fragile MacPlus power supply.  The
power supply was and additional $135.  He also said that the card must
have 4 SIMMS installed on the card, and they all MUST be the same speed.
I have 2 80ns and 2 100ns SIMMs, so that wouldn't work.  The 4 SIMMs
must also be 100ns or faster.  I could also add a 68882 math coprocessor
for $199.  Also, the $499 was for the solder-on version, and if you
wanted a clip-on unit (see below) that was an extra $59 (!). Again, I
could have used my old RAM (well, 2MBs since I had different speeds) and
I could put my old 256k'ers back on the motherboard. MacProducts will
also be happy to mail you out a brochure if you'd like.

In conclusion, it's really not possible to get a 68030 board for a
MacPlus yet.  You could, but you would either be sacrificing the true
speed of the '030, or almost assuredly condeming your power
supply/motherboard to death.

Here are the responses I received:

Subject: Re: '030 for MacPuss
Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.hardware
In-Reply-To: <shores.663894609@fergvax>
Organization: Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY
Status: RO

The railgun 030 is great it offers performance and features unrivaled
by the competition.  I don't have any as slow as 16 Mhz, but still
would recommend it highly....
   But would warn that I recommend 4 MB ram, new, for it, and
also the plus optional internal power supply/cooling fan combo, before
I would recommend the math coprocessor (originally anyway) if money is
a problem....

Al. Michielsen, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Syracuse University
 InterNet: amichiel@rodan.acs.syr.edu  amichiel@sunrise.acs.syr.edu

From scubed!megatek!mark@das.harvard.edu Tue Jan 15 11:43:44 1991
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Date: Tue, 15 Jan 91 09:08:49 PST
From: scubed!megatek!mark@das.harvard.edu (mark thompson)
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To: shores@fergvax.unl.edu (Shores)
In-Reply-To: shores@fergvax.unl.edu's message of 14 Jan 91 23:10:09 GMT
Subject: '030 for MacPuss
Status: RO

I just spent a couple of weeks looking for just that. I don't have any
personal experience, but a little shopping convinced me that I should
get a (Total Systems) Gemini 030. I have seen the (obsolete) 16Mhz version
advertised for about $400 (MacCenter 1-800-950-3726).

Add to that $100 or so for the kit to make it attach to a Plus.

The nice features of the Gemini include that it comes with its own fan
and little power supply. If you want to add video cards (i did), they
will also sell you a little adapter that gives you an SE compatible slot.

As an aside, after i did all of that searching, my wife said i had to buy 
a system with color, so.... i am starting over.


From bdugan@teri.bio.uci.edu Tue Jan 15 13:14:31 1991
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To: shores@fergvax.unl.edu
Subject: Re: '030 for MacPuss
In-Reply-To: <shores.663894609@fergvax>
X-Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.hardware
X-References: <shores.663894609@fergvax>
Reply-To: Bill Dugan <bdugan@teri.bio.uci.edu>
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Date: Tue, 15 Jan 91 11:14:38 -0800
From: bdugan@teri.bio.uci.edu
Status: RO

In article <shores.663894609@fergvax> you write:
>Can anyone recommend a relatively inexpensive 68030 kit for a Mac Plus?
>I'd like to spend less than 600 dollars, hopefully getting a floating
>point 6888x along with it.  I've seen one advertised by MacProducts USA,
>a Railgun 16 MHZ w/o 6888x for only $499, so I'm especially interested
>if anyone has purchased one of them.  I'll summarize for the net if
>there is a significant response, so just send email.

Sorry I can't give firsthand experience, but I was impressed by the
specs on that board.  Call the company and they'll send you pretty complete
info.  Only problem is, they recommend you pay another $50 or $80 for
their power supply, which is better than the Plus's, and also they make you
fork out either another $50 for installation (soldered) or another $50
for a clip so you can stick it in yourself.

Still, that ends up only $600, and it is much much much better than
Dove's Marathon 030.  The onboard RAM is what makes it worthwhile.

Still, sorry no firsthand....


From a38856b@puukko.hut.fi Tue Jan 15 15:37:38 1991
Received: from puukko.hut.fi by santra.hut.fi
	(5.61++/7.0/TeKoLa) id AA16812; Tue, 15 Jan 91 23:35:35 +0200
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Date: Tue, 15 Jan 91 23:35:33 +0200
From: Aukia <a38856b@puukko.hut.fi>
Message-Id: <9101152135.AA03248@puukko.hut.fi>
To: shores@fergvax.unl.edu
Subject: Re: '030 for MacPuss
Newsgroups: comp.sys.mac.hardware
In-Reply-To: <shores.663894609@fergvax>
Organization: Helsinki University of Technology, FINLAND
Status: RO

	My brother has a 16 MHz Railgun. worked like a charm, until we updated to 6.05.  We have been waiting for the update for the driver for a week now, but considering, that USMail is trying to get it to Finland, IUm not terribly disapointed. MacProducts has gotten a lot of bad press on the UseNet, I donUt think they deserve it, nice service, nice prices and quality parts. Oh yes, donUt get the Killy clip - snap on version. Rather get someone to solder it on for you. We have slight problems because of a bent 

leg on the Killy-clip.

I   a38856b@Puukko.hut.fi [ Petri Aukia]

From VALSTA@cc.Helsinki.FI Wed Jan 16 06:13:27 1991
Date: Wed, 16 Jan 1991 14:15 EET
From: VALSTA@cc.Helsinki.FI
Subject: '030 for MacPuss
To: shores@fergvax.unl.edu
Message-Id: <C50EB37B0040C08A@cc.Helsinki.FI>
X-Envelope-To: shores@fergvax.unl.edu
X-Vms-To: in%"shores@fergvax.unl.edu"
Status: RO

X-News: hylka comp.sys.mac.hardware:6159

>From: shores@fergvax.unl.edu (Shores)
>Subject:'030 for MacPuss
>Date: 14 Jan 91 23:10:09 GMT

>Can anyone recommend a relatively inexpensive 68030 kit for a Mac Plus?
>I'd like to spend less than 600 dollars, hopefully getting a floating
>point 6888x along with it.  I've seen one advertised by MacProducts USA,
>a Railgun 16 MHZ w/o 6888x for only $499, so I'm especially interested
>if anyone has purchased one of them.  I'll summarize for the net if
>there is a significant response, so just send email.
Based on material sent from MacProducts, it SEEMS that you must buy new
RAM along w/ the board if you want to enjoy full speed of the processor.
It looked like using motherboard RAM slows down things quite a bit. I recommend
you check this before buying. A couple of hundreds more to the price.

-- tom shores