daniel@nstn.ns.ca (Daniel MacKay) (02/01/91)
Hello! I'd like to economically put three serial devices on the network; a non-Appletalk ImageWriter, a non-appletalk DeskWriter, and a modem- and maybe something else, who knows. I'd could upgrade the existing devices- the Imagewriter & DeskWriter could be Localtalk'd and the modem could be Shiva NetSerialled in the worst case. I had spec'd a product that had a Localtalk port and four serial ports, and came with a chooser document thing to make your favourite driver think it was talking to the modem port, when it was in fact using one of the four ports on this box somewhere on the network. I set up one of these years ago, and recall it working rather well, and being a good value -- but I've forgotten the manufacturer, _and_ who I set it up for! I _thought_ was from Shiva, but turns out not to be, and then discovered that Avalon used to make such a thing, but doesn't market it any more in North America- it will be back sometime, but the marketing guy didn't know when. Does anyone know of such a thing that's real-ware? Any clues are most welcome. adTHANKSvance! -dan -- Daniel MacKay daniel@nstn.ns.ca