(Bible Anthony E) (02/16/91)
I am posting this for a friend who can read this group, but cannot post to it. I will forward any replies to him. Thanks in advance for any help you might be able to provide. tony ============================================================================ Hi, I need help, I have a MacIIcx 8megs ram with internal 80 meg HD and I am running System 6.07 as I am doing some work with HyperCard 2.v2, and I have a serious problem with it crashing. Attached to the CPU I have an external SyQuest drive which I love and need for backups and storage of little used files, an exteranl 60 meg HD with a Segate ST277N-1 mechanism, a standard Apple ColorCard and 13" Color montitor, and Teleport modem. I get a series of different error messages most of which are bus errors (see list below). I have the problem when either one or both of the drives are attached or it I attach any other HD (I have tried 6 different). To confuse the issue even more I have this problem with all of the drives if the devices are terminated following Apples rules. If any device or combination of devices are attached and left without termination on any device everything works great. I use this computer for work, so I have Apple Care on it, and I got the mother board and hard disk replaced. Neither of which cured the problem they only gave me more frustration. I can work with the system unterminated, but what happens when I add a new SCSI device of that requires termination. Can anyone out there HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Tom Hillson I do not have access to the net I am using a friends account to post this. You can reply to me on Americal Online - Orchid Man Or you can reply to me at my friends mail address - Bible@Vincent.IASTATE.EDU Or you can reply on the net and he will send the replies on to me. -----------------------With Just System 6.07 Diagnostics-------------- System Error Type 2 System ErrorType 11 Bus Error No Coprocessor Error part of the time at at startup Illegal Instruction Unimplemented Trap Error on startup No Coprocessor Error on running Compactor - Locked up and went into never, never land, came back after about 2-4 minutes and 2 restarts with programmers switch. Bus Error part of the time when it launched Disinfectant INIT, also it will sometimes just lock up with no error message after Disinfectant INIT had loaded. Bus Error part of the time when it launched Init Manager Startup Bus Error part of the time when it launched Suitcase II 1.28 Illegal instruction part of the time when it launced Disk Doubler INIT -------------------------With MacBugs Installed---------------------- Dequeing at +192 Dequeing at +090 Bus Error at HclrRBit +0018 Bus Error at 000020FC on startup Bus Error at 0000B3AC on startup Bus Error at 0060E9E6 while launching HyperCard 2.0v2 ------------------------Other of Unknow Catagory--------------------- Periodically will lock up without mounting the HD or finding SCSI chain Lock up everything part of the time at Welcome to Macintosh Crashing part of the time at Welcome to Macintosh Crashing on Startup with lock up of Video and trash being displayed on the screen and then screen goes black until programmers switch hit.