[fa.info-vax] UNIX ANSI tape software

info-vax (06/21/82)

>From RWK@SCRC-TENEX@MIT-AI Mon Jun 21 03:53:22 1982
"Peter Kaiser <kaiser at BBNCCI>" isn't a valid Arpanet address, since
BBNCCI isn't a known host.  I've gotten other queries, so I may as well
just answer it here.
    Date: 16 Jun 1982 11:44:35 EDT (Wednesday)
    From: Peter Kaiser <kaiser at BBNCCI>
    You send a message to info-vax on 18 May about ANSI tape reading/writing
    software for UNIX.  I move tapes between UNIX and VMS using software cobbled
    together here, but it would be better to use more general software.  Is the
    stuff you talk about available?  If it's easy to do, can you just mail it
    to me here?

    Thanks for the help.


I don't have it, and the person who tracked it down originally doesn't
remember just where it came from.  It came from somewhere at MIT, and
it was sent to Richard Fateman at Berkeley.