[comp.sys.mac.hardware] SE/30 card with Ethernet and video *vs* SCSI Ethernet

mazu@terre (Marc Mazuhelli) (02/27/91)

Hi there,

A while ago, I posted a message asking for an SE/30 PDS card with both
Ethernet *and* video for an external screen.  The only two responses I
got were from people interested in the responses I would get :-(
I will try to find the time to make a few phone calls to card makers.
If I find something, I will post it here.

If someone missed the first query or didn't respond, you can still do
it!  I (and at least 2 other persons) would like to hear from you!

In the meantime, I guess I have to consider the alternative: A video
board in the PDS slot and a SCSI Ethernet box :-(

I seem to remember that the first versions of these boards were not
exactly perfect...  I am interested in knowing about compatibility and
performance.  I know Compatible Systems make one (and they have good
University rebates too).

So if you have something to say (either good or bad) about any SCSI box 
you use, I would like to hear from you.  I will summarize of there are
enough responses.

Again, thanks for your help!

{  Marc Mazuhelli                   |  professeur                  }
{  internet: mazu@dmi.USherb.CA     |  Departement de math-info.   }
{  <this space intentionaly ...     |  Universite de Sherbrooke    }
{                   ... left blank> |  Sherbrooke, Quebec, Canada  }

hpoppe@ncar.ucar.edu (Herb Poppe) (02/28/91)

In article <1991Feb27.141555.14813@DMI.USherb.CA> mazu@terre (Marc 
Mazuhelli) writes:
> A while ago, I posted a message asking for an SE/30 PDS card with both
> Ethernet *and* video for an external screen.
> ...
> In the meantime, I guess I have to consider the alternative: A video
> board in the PDS slot and a SCSI Ethernet box :-(

When the SE (not SE/30) first came out, I seem to recall that some 
external screen card vendors were offering (or planned to offer :-)) a 
"piggyback" arrangement on their video cards that would allow you to plug 
in an additional PDS card. I don't remember if anyone actually came out 
with such a product and if there is enough room in an SE/30 to pull the 
same trick. Does anyone know if this was ever done for the SE/30?

Herb Poppe             hpoppe@ncar.ucar.edu
NCAR                      (303) 497-1296
1850 Table Mesa Dr.
Boulder, CO  80307-3000