[comp.sys.mac.hardware] Need a hard disk... and another question.

aasg7935@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (Anton A Sanderfoot) (03/07/91)

	Thank to everyone who steered me away from the Apple hard drives. 
Instead, I went to MacUser (as many suggested) and ordered a third part drive,
from APS. It was much cheaper, and I get 40m instead of 20.

	I have another question...My Mac SE monitor is begining to get to small
when I am WP'ing documents. Unless I set the left & right boundries really long
I can't see the entire line. My question is this, can I use my TV as a Mac
monitor. Back in the dark ages, when I was using my //c, I used to hook up
the //c to my TV and use it as a monitor when I  was in the mood for color. The
//c used the VCR type (I think they're called RCA-type) or cable to hook to the
monochrome monitor. My TV (Sharp Vi Linytron, I think) has the VCR inputs on
the back, and I could plug it into the //c and use it as a monitor. Now, I'm
wondering if I can do the same thing with my mac? If I can, what type of cables
do I need? And, finnaly is it worth it to try? (ie: will the picture be bad, or
can I blow up both systems if I do it wrong, etc.)

	Thanks again to everyone who helped me with the hard disk, and thanks in
advance to anyone who can help me out. Responses by e-mail would be best.

________--_--________-->  I'm a biologist who studies life,
				but, that doesn't mean I have to have one...

               Tony Sanderfoot  aasg7935@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu