v109lptc@ubvmsd.cc.buffalo.edu (Mark R Waldmiller) (03/21/91)
[In response to others who would like Apple to sell them an LC with the dual- floppy configuration.] Hello, I too am in the market for an LC. Tell you the truth I would have one by now if I could get it without the hard drive! I currently have a plus with a 105Mb external that would work perfectly fine on an LC. I want to upgrade to an LC, but can't afford to downgrade to Apple's small, slow, and expensive hard drive configuration. Therefore, I will not buy the LC unless I have the option to buy the single or dual-floppy version. I have called Apple about this and they took my "constructive criticism" for consideration. They said if there was enough of a demand they would POSSIBLY change there policy. So I, as well as others that appear to be in the same situation, would greatly appriciate your help by calling Apple at 1-800-776- 2333 and "suggesting" that they offer the no-hard drive configuration of the LC to individuals requesting them. Thank you. I hope to see something come out of this. -Mark Waldmiller v109lptc@ubvmsd.cc.buffalo.edu