[fa.info-vax] Reading Escape Sequences with VAX/VMS

info-vax (07/23/82)

>From SIM@SU-AI Fri Jul 23 13:02:30 1982
    The following FORTRAN-77 subroutine allows VAX/VMS users to read escape
sequences.  This is useful for reading keypad and special function keys on
terminals, reported cursor positions, etc.  The subroutine sets then unsets
(using an exit handler) the terminal characteristic ESCAPE so that you don't
have too.
    To call ReadEscape from Pascal, declare it as follows:

	type StringTyp = packed array[1..?] of char;
	procedure ReadEscape( %STDESCR string : StringTyp;
				var StrLen,EscLen : integer); FORTRAN;

    For those of you interested, I have also written routines for single
character input (using QIO reads in PASSALL mode with buffer length equal to
one), and several Heathkit H19 dependent routines:  one to display process
status, priority, terminal name, cpu time, image name, data and time, and
current default directory on the 25th line dynamically while running other
things; another to save everything you see on your screen, including graphics
characters, into a file which can then be edited, printed or typed out (VERY
HANDY!).						-Stuart McDonald

C	Subroutine ReadEscape
C	returns an input string terminated by a <CR> or any valid escape
C	sequence; StrLen is the number of characters before the terminator and
C	EscLen is the number of characters in the terminator.  The total 
C	length of the inputed string is StrLen + EscLen.  	-S.McD. 6/6/82

	function ReadEscape( string,StrLen,EscLen )
	implicit integer (a-z)
	character*(*) string
	integer ReadEscape,StrLen,EscLen

	character	sys$input*9/'SYS$INPUT'/,terminal*63
	external	io$_readvblk,io$_setmode,tt$m_escape,ToggleEsc
	logical		first/.true./
	integer		iosb*2(4)
	common		/stu_escape/cchan	! common used by ToggleEsc
  	save		first,func_code,chan

	if (first) then
			! Define ToggleEsc as an exit handler (see Users Guide)
	    call userex(ToggleEsc)

			! Find lowest logical name translation of SYS$INPUT
	    call trnlog(sys$input,terminal,name_len)		! lowest log
	    status = sys$assign( terminal, chan,, )		! open terminal
		if (.not.status) call lib$stop( %VAL(status) )	! check status
	    cchan = chan					! load common
	    call ToggleEsc					! allow esc seq

			! Ready function code for read of escape sequence
	    func_code = %LOC(io$_readvblk)			! ordinary read
	    first = .false.
			! Read in line and/or escape sequence
	status = sys$qiow( ,%VAL(chan),%VAL(func_code),iosb,,,
	1	%REF(string),%VAL(len(string)),,,,)	! read esc seq
	if (.not.status) call lib$stop( %VAL(status) )	! check status
	ReadEscape = iosb(1)				! rtn i/o stat
	StrLen = iosb(2)			! # chars before terminator
	EscLen = iosb(4)			! # chars in terminator
				! This came from "Prog. VMS in FORT/MAC",p.83
 	subroutine trnlog( old_log,new_log,new_len )
	implicit	integer (a-z)
	byte		esc_null_int(2) /'1B'X,0/
	character*2	esc_null
	character*(*)	old_log,new_log
	external	ss$_notran
	equivalence	(esc_null,esc_null_int)
				! Translate name once
	status = sys$trnlog( old_log,new_len,new_log,,, )
	if (status.eq. %LOC(ss$_notran)) stop 'Logical name has no translation'
				! Repeat translation until unsuccessful
	do while (status.ne.%LOC(ss$_notran))
	    old_log(1:new_len) = new_log
	    status = sys$trnlog( old_log(1:new_len),new_len,new_log,,, )
				! Check if process permanent file
	if (new_log(1:2).eq.esc_null) then
	    new_log(1:new_len) = new_log(5:new_len)
	    new_len = new_len - 4

	subroutine ToggleEsc	! Toggles Escape Recognition for Terminals
	implicit	integer (a-z)
	integer		mode_buf(2)
	external	tt$m_escape,io$_setmode,io$_sensemode
	common		/stu_escape/chan	! Channel passed in my common

	func_code = %LOC(io$_sensemode)		! Get terminal characteristics
	status = sys$qiow( ,%VAL(chan),%VAL(func_code),,,,mode_buf,,,,,)
	    if (.not.status) call lib$stop( %VAL(status) )	! check status

	mode_buf(2) = mode_buf(2) .xor. %LOC(tt$m_escape)	! toggle bits

	func_code = %LOC(io$_setmode)		! Set terminal characteristics
	status = sys$qiow( ,%VAL(chan),%VAL(func_code),,,,mode_buf,,,,,)
	    if (.not.status) call lib$stop( %VAL(status) )	! check status
