info-vax (08/07/82)
>From Odonnell@YALE Sat Aug 7 09:01:51 1982
We have had an RP07-based 780 since January running VMS.
We have lost one head-disk-assembly to a head crash; losing a 500MB file
structure is no fun. A site nearby has lost 3 HDAs in about the same
period of time.
Be careful about non-DEC memory in 780s with RP07s using the 2.2MB/s
transfer rate (with dual mem controllers). It seems that a number of
mem boards (many of DEC's included) don't quite make the grade on
timing, and haven't been fully exercised by previous controllers.
Some of our DEC and non-DEC memories have had to be replaced to shake
out nasty system failures.