(Ted Morris) (04/08/91)
Can someone tell us where in the myriad Mac resources (Tech specs, IM, etc.?) we can find the specs for the ADB port? Someone here wants to build an event timer and controller interfaced quick and dirty to software via the ADB port. (I already joked with him about having a solenoid plunger bang on the mouse button!). Any pointers to the specs would be greatly appreciated! Theodore Allan Morris, U. Cincinnati, Med Ctr Info & Comm, Info Rsrch & Dev, 231 Bethesda Av, ML#574, Cinti, OH 45267-0574, 513-558-6046V, 513-558-0758F, MORRISTA@UCMCIC.OA.UC.EDU / MORRIS@UCUNIX.SAN.UC.EDU, NTS WB8VNV, AppleLink U1091 | Call me up and I'll talk data to ya!