[comp.sys.mac.hardware] A question for APPLE

Steve Heckler (04/10/91)

Apple, in recent days, has made a tremendous number of steps in the right
direction.  Prices on their computers have come down, and the two new printers
are good deals for the money.

There is one area, however, in which Apple has not made a major price move: 
Upgrade Boards.  There are thousands of Macintosh SE owners out there who would
like to upgrade their tired machines to the power of the SE/30, but simply
don't have the money to spend on buying a new machine, especially with the
prices on their own machines being dramatically undercut by those of the new
Classic.  As a result of the high price of a true upgrade, they have had to
settle for the only average capabilities of low-end accelerator boards, which
sometimes do not accomodate a 68882 floating point coprocessor, rarely allow
for the addition of RAM beyond the SE's 4 meg limit, lack a 68851 Paged Memory
chip, and will not accomodate virtual memory under System 7.0

Currently, an upgrade board from the SE to SE/30 runs $1199 at through Apple's
discount plan for universities, and undoubtedly hundreds of dollars higher
through mail order or dealers.

What Apple should do:

Dramatically slash prices on the upgrade from the SE to the SE/30.  Make the
board compatible only with the SE, which is now out of production (thus
eliminating Apple's fears of people buying a new SE and adding the board for
about the same price as buying an SE/30).

With the thousands of SE owners who want to upgrade, I think an Upgrade board
with several dollars slashed off the price would sell in huge quantities, and
would be a success similar to the Classic and StyleWriter.

I don't konw the situation with upgrades from other systems, but I suspect a
cheaper upgrade board from the II and IIx to the IIfx would also sell very
well, since many universities and some private groups purchased large numbers
of these machines.

I'd like to hear from Apple and anyone else who has an opinion on the matter. 
Please write to me at sheckler@leland.stanford.edu or post on the board.  I
will post a summary of mail I receive in a few days.

																																					Steve Heckler
