[comp.sys.mac.hardware] Mac and More

) (04/17/91)

I'm thinking about buying some equipment from the company Mac and More, as 
they seem to have the best prices I could find. I was wondering if anyone 
out there has had any problem with this company? I'm planning on sinking,
what is for me anyway, quite a bit of money into a system, so I really don't
want to buy from someone that screws their customers later on.


paryavi@cis.ksu.edu (Saiid Paryavi) (04/17/91)

In article <1991Apr17.001735.20129@ux1.cso.uiuc.edu> rls11095@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (THIS SPACE FOR RENT!) writes:
>I'm thinking about buying some equipment from the company Mac and More, as 
>they seem to have the best prices I could find. I was wondering if anyone 
>out there has had any problem with this company? I'm planning on sinking,
>what is for me anyway, quite a bit of money into a system, so I really don't
>want to buy from someone that screws their customers later on.

I bought many things from Mac and More.  The best thing that I always liked
about them was free shipment and their 30 day money back guarantee.  

Well, to my surprise, a couple of weeks ago they changed their policy and are
not offering neither the free shipment nor the 30 day money back guarantee
any longer!

The only bad experience I had with them was concerning the return of a monitor.
I had bought the monitor when they did have the money back guarantee in effect.
I really didn't like the monitor and wanted to return it after a couple of
weeks.  It turned out that the change in policy went into effect during these
two weeks.  Because of this they refused to take back the monitor.  I spent
4 days and probably 20 phone calls anc could not get them to honor their
policy of money back guarantee which was in effect at the time of my purchase.

It is a good thing I bought it on my VISA.  My credit card company tells me not
to worry and that they will take the matter into their hands.  In the meantime,
I got my money back from VISA.

Just thought you might want to know.

Saiid Paryavi                      			CIS Department
Internet:  paryavi@harris.cis.ksu.edu			Nichols Hall, KSU
UUCP:      {rutgers, texbell}!ksuvax1!harry!paryavi	Manhattan, KS  66506