[comp.sys.mac.hardware] Ethernet cards and System 7

phillips@jhunix.HCF.JHU.EDU (Mark D Phillips) (04/25/91)

Ethernet Cards and System 7

I recently found out that I will not be able to install System 7.0b4 on
any of my Ethernet-equipped Macs as the cards' manufacturers do not have
System 7-compatible drivers for their Ethernet boards.  Further, it
could be some months before the drivers become available, so even
when the final 7.0 comes out, I cannot use it on some of my computers.
The Macs on our network that have Ethernet boards are the very Macs that
could take advantage of the new 7.0 features, so we are a bit upset
about this.

Is this a general problem with Ethernet-equipped Macs, or did we buy
from the wrong people?  Are their any Mac Ethernet cards that currently
have System 7-compatible drivers and installers?  We could be buying
some more cards in the near future, so any insight would be helpful.

** Additional Details for Those Who Care **

We use several types of (Thin) Ethernet boards:
          Shiva (formerly Kinetics) EtherPort SE's
          Shiva (formerly Kinetics) EtherPort SE/30's
          EMAC (Everex) SpeedLink SE's
          EMAC (Everex) SpeedLink SE/30's
   and an EMAC (Everex) SpeedLink II

EMAC Tech Support states that they are not even working on developing
new drivers until System 7 ships.  They would not give any estimate on
when they will have new drivers except to say that it would take "less
than a year".

Shiva Tech Support states that they should release the software for the
EtherPort SE/30's and the 'short' Mac II cards (i.e. cards based on a
National chip set) when System 7 ships or shortly thereafter.  The
drivers for the SpeedLink SE's (based on an Intel chip set) won't be
released for some months (I got a rough guess of 4 to 6 months but no
promise), as they are just beginning development.

Mark Phillips, User Support Specialist          phillips@jhunix.hcf.jhu.edu
BPRU D-5-West FSKMC Johns Hopkins               phillips@jhunix.BITNET
4940 Eastern Avenue, Baltimore MD 21224         AppleLink: PHILLIPS6

coolidge@cs.uiuc.edu (John Coolidge) (04/25/91)

phillips@jhunix.HCF.JHU.EDU (Mark D Phillips) writes:
>Is this a general problem with Ethernet-equipped Macs, or did we buy
>from the wrong people?  Are their any Mac Ethernet cards that currently
>have System 7-compatible drivers and installers?  We could be buying
>some more cards in the near future, so any insight would be helpful.

We're using Apple EtherTalk NB cards and running without a hitch with
7.0fc3. We do printing, file sharing, and telnet via the ethernet cards;
so far, no problems. MacTCP seems to run fine under 7.0. I have no idea
about third-party cards; we don't have any to test with.


John L. Coolidge     Internet:coolidge@cs.uiuc.edu   UUCP:uiucdcs!coolidge
Of course I don't speak for the U of I (or anyone else except myself)
Copyright 1991 John L. Coolidge. Copying allowed if (and only if) attributed.
You may redistribute this article if and only if your recipients may as well.

george@swbatl.sbc.com (George Nincehelser 5-6544) (04/25/91)

In article <1991Apr25.003715.26195@m.cs.uiuc.edu> coolidge@cs.uiuc.edu writes:
>phillips@jhunix.HCF.JHU.EDU (Mark D Phillips) writes:
>>Is this a general problem with Ethernet-equipped Macs, or did we buy
>>from the wrong people?  Are their any Mac Ethernet cards that currently
>>have System 7-compatible drivers and installers?  We could be buying
>>some more cards in the near future, so any insight would be helpful.
>We're using Apple EtherTalk NB cards and running without a hitch with
>7.0fc3. We do printing, file sharing, and telnet via the ethernet cards;
>so far, no problems. MacTCP seems to run fine under 7.0. I have no idea
>about third-party cards; we don't have any to test with.

Well, I would sure hope Apple's Ethernet cards would work under 7! ;-)

That's one advantage of sticking with Apple products....

Anyway, I've run into the same problem.  About all you can do is to try to
convince your vendor that you really, really need it and that you have some
say in product purchases for a large organization.  If they really have a
fix, they'll usually give it to you (in beta form, of course).  If the vendor
does do this for you, you should feel obliged to politely inform them of any
bugs.  A thank-you note on your company's letter-head is appropriate, too.
I've used this technique with much success.

One warning, though.  You may have to be very persisent.  Often you will come
up against some reps who just spout the party line: "We can't comment on 
unreleased products."  That's what they've been told to say by their            
supervisors...don't blame them, just ask to speak with someone who would have
such authority.  It usually works.

   /   George David Nincehelser        \  george@swbatl.sbc.com     \
  / /   Southwestern Bell Telephone     \  Phone: (314) 235-6544     \
 / / /   Advanced Technology Laboratory  \  Fax:  (314) 235-5797      \
/ / / /\  1010 Pine, St. Louis, MO 63101  \  de asini umbra disceptare \

dave@cmi.com (David Halonen) (04/25/91)

Hi Dave,
Here is how you install a GatorCard if you have System 7.0:
%Copy the file called "Drivers" from your GatorCard Installation disk
to your hard disk.
%Make a copy of your System file
%Run ResEdit and open both files
%Copy the .ENET resource in the DRVR group from the Drivers file to
the copy of the System file (DO NOT do this on the original because
you could really screw things up if you make a mistake )
%Move the real System file out of the System Folder
%Rename System copy to System and put it in the System Folder and restart.

Let me know if you have any questions.  

  Michael Haag, Quality Evangelist, Technical Customer Services   
                                     phone:     (617)494-1999 x164
  Cayman Systems, Inc.               fax:       (617)494-5167      
  26 Landsdowne Street               Internet:  michael@cayman.com
  Cambridge, MA 02139                AppleLink: CAYMAN.TECH              

David Halonen, Center for Machine Intelligence, Electronic Data Systems
Ann Arbor, MI (313) 995-0900
AppleLink: N0548  Internet: dave@cmi.com

softa@vax.MCD.3Com.Com (Douglas Phillips) (04/26/91)

Since 3Com makes Apple's Ethernet cards for them and also sells them
under the 3Com label, our cards work perfectly also.

Actually this is true for our Nubus cards, I haven't tried one of
our SE cards.


paulr@syma.sussex.ac.uk (Paul Russell) (04/26/91)

From article <8129@jhunix.HCF.JHU.EDU>, by phillips@jhunix.HCF.JHU.EDU (Mark D Phillips):
> Ethernet Cards and System 7
> I recently found out that I will not be able to install System 7.0b4 on
> any of my Ethernet-equipped Macs as the cards' manufacturers do not have
> System 7-compatible drivers for their Ethernet boards.

You've got me worried now - we use Asante Ethernet boards.
Currently we're on version 3.1 of the Asante drivers I
think. Does anyone out there know for sure whether
System 7.0 will run with Asante Ethernet boards ?


           Paul Russell, Department of Experimental Psychology
         University of Sussex, Falmer, Brighton BN1 9QG, England
     Janet: paulr@uk.ac.sussex.syma  Nsfnet: paulr@syma.sussex.ac.uk
    Bitnet: paulr%sussex.syma@ukacrl.bitnet  Usenet: ...ukc!syma!paulr

seiffert@bronze.ucs.indiana.edu (04/26/91)

We have been buying Asante's MacCon series cards for awhile. I have been
running Sys/7.0b4 for about 3 weeks now on Asante's 3.1 drivers. Have had
very few problems and I have been running in 32-bit mode with virtual
memory on my IIci. 

Our Mac specialists contacted Asante and was able to get a beta of their
driver for Sys/7 even though the current driver seems pretty stable to me.
I would say that you bought from the wrong vendor.

Disclaimer: I have no affiliation with Asante'. Just a satisfied customer.

Kurt A. Seiffert										       ---> Novell <- seiffert@ucs.indiana.edu
UCS Workstations              ---> Unix <-- seiffert@silver.ucs.indiana.edu
LAN Specialist                ---> VMS <--- seiffert@bronze.ucs.indiana.edu
WCC Office:104.08 ph:855-5746 ---> C <------ 750 N. SR 46 
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could, but nothing original." ---> Macintosh!!    <<<<<<<<<()>>>>>>>>>