[comp.sys.mac.hardware] Cheap good tape drives

kimsey@cmgm.Stanford.EDU (Harvey Kimsey) (05/01/91)

CAn anyone out there suggest good cheap tape drives. We are interested
in "smaller" format tape to back up several Mac hard drives. I've
tried the 80meg Sony QD-2000 tapes, but I don't remember the name of
the tape drive. While I'm at it, what good software is available that
could be used for routine backing up purposes. I'm thinking of things
that allow you to, for instance, only back files that have been
changed since the last backup.

Thanks, Harvey       kimsey@cmgm.stanford.edu

jas@ISI.EDU (Jeff Sullivan) (05/01/91)

In article <1991May1.014551.29734@medisg.Stanford.EDU> kimsey@cmgm.Stanford.EDU (Harvey Kimsey) writes:

>CAn anyone out there suggest good cheap tape drives. We are interested
>in "smaller" format tape to back up several Mac hard drives. I've
>tried the 80meg Sony QD-2000 tapes, but I don't remember the name of
>the tape drive. While I'm at it, what good software is available that
>could be used for routine backing up purposes. I'm thinking of things
>that allow you to, for instance, only back files that have been
>changed since the last backup.
>Thanks, Harvey       kimsey@cmgm.stanford.edu

I use the TEAC 150MB tape drive (and tapes).  The tapes look like
standard audio caseetes, but cost a shitload more ;-), but the system
works well, and the software (Retrospect) fdoes all you ask and more.

Jeffrey A. Sullivan		| Senior Systems Programmer
jas@venera.isi.edu		| Information Sciences Institute
jas@isi.edu                    	| University of Southern California