[fa.info-vax] Might as well put my 3 bits in on SCRFT

info-vax (12/24/82)

>From EPS@MIT-MC  Fri Dec 24 07:22:27 1982
Mail-From: ARPANET host MIT-MC rcvd at 24-Dec-82 0443-PST
Remailed-Date: 24 Dec 1982 0457-PST
Remailed-From: the tty of Geoffrey S. Goodfellow  <Geoff5 at SRI-CSL>
Remailed-To: Info-VAX@SRI-CSL: ;

Whilst you are busy trying to cons up foreign terminal packages, you
might be interested in this: a plug-compatible SCRFT call tracer.  All
it does is display the calls and their arguments, but it might be
useful for debugging an application that uses the terminal-independent
screen procedures (or just to satisfy the curious--like why SYSGEN
does illegal SCR$ calls).

Question: Have any of you written a SCRFT that works fine with
everything but MONITOR?  I have and it's driving me bananas!

Observation: Installing SCRFT /OPEN/SHARE is ok, but /HEADER is asking
for trouble.
	.title	scrftdbg	fake SCRFT that traces calls

;;;	Eric P. Scott, Caltech/Jet Propulsion Laboratory, December 1982


	.default	displacement,word

	.psect	scrftdbg,nowrt,exe,shr,pic,long


	.entry	scrftdbg,^m<r10,r11>

	cmpb	(ap),#7		; Make sure called via LIB$CALL_IMAGE
	blssu	10$
	movab	-512(sp),sp	; make an output buffer
	movl	28(ap),r0	; pick up SCRFT argument list
	movq	4(r0),r10

	pushab	(sp)
	pushl	r10		; SCR$ argument list
	pushl	r11		; function #
	calls	#3,outfun

	subl2	sp,r0		; output line
	pushab	(sp)
	addl3	r0,#<dsc$k_dtype_t@16>!<dsc$k_class_s@24>,-(sp)

	pushaq	(sp)
	calls	#1,g^lib$put_output
	blbc	r0,9$

	cmpb	r11,#1		; test if GET_SCREEN
	bneq	9$
	callg	(r10),g^lib$get_input

9$:	ret
10$:	movzwl	#^x114,r0	; SS$_INSFARG

	.entry	outfun,^m<r2,r3,r4,r5,r10,r11>
	movl	12(ap),r3	; buffer pointer
	movl	#^a/SCR$/,(r3)+
	movzbl	4(ap),r11	; function #
	cmpb	r11,#10		; something we know about?
	blequ	202$
	movb	#^a/?/,(r3)+	; oh well
	brb	203$
202$:	movaw	ntbl,r0		; move function name into buffer
	cvtwl	(r0)[r11],r11
	addl2	r0,r11
	movzbl	(r11)+,r10
	movc3	r10,(r11),(r3)
203$:	movb	#^a/(/,(r3)+	; parenthesize argument list

	pushl	r3
	pushl	8(ap)
	pushl	4(ap)
	calls	#3,outarg

	movb	#^a/)/,(r0)+

	.entry	outarg,^m<r2,r3,r4,r5,r7,r8,r9,r10,r11>
	movl	8(ap),r11	; SCR$ argument list
	movl	12(ap),r3	; buffer pointer
	movzbl	(r11),r10	; # of SCR$ arguments
	beql	310$
	moval	4(r11),r9	; pointer to each item
	cmpb	4(ap),#1	; special hack for GET_SCREEN
	beql	311$
303$:	movl	(r9)+,r8	; get next item
	cmpl	r8,#132		; if <=132 assume it's a cursor address
	blequ	306$
	prober	#0,#8,(r8)	; could be a pointer to a descriptor
	beql	306$		; nothing I can read
	movl	r8,r0
	jsb	g^str$analyze_sdesc_r1
	movl	r0,r7
	beql	305$		; null string
	prober	#0,r7,(r1)
	beql	306$		; bleah
	movl	r1,r8		; r7,r8 = count,address
305$:	movab	as,r1
	brb	307$
306$:	movab	ul,r1		; display as unsigned decimal
307$:	movab	-BUFSIZ(sp),sp	; make buffer for $FAO
	pushab	(sp)		; and a descriptor to it
	pushl	#BUFSIZ!<dsc$k_dtype_t@16>!<dsc$k_class_s@24>
	movzbl	(r1)+,r0	; push descriptor to control string
	movq	r0,-(sp)

	movq	r7,-(sp)
	pushaq	16(sp)
	pushaw	20(sp)
	pushaq	16(sp)
	calls	#5,@#sys$fao

	movc3	8(sp),16(sp),(r3)	; move to output buffer
	movab	<BUFSIZ+8+8>(sp),sp	; clean stack
	decl	r10		; any more arguments?
	beql	310$
	movb	#^a/,/,(r3)+	; yes, output comma
	brb	303$		; back for more
310$:	movl	r3,r0		; return updated buffer pointer
311$:	movl	(r9)+,r8
	movab	xl,r1		; always display first argument in hex
	brb	307$

f0:	.ascic	/PUT_SCREEN/
f1:	.ascic	/GET_SCREEN/
f2:	.ascic	/ERASE_PAGE/
f3:	.ascic	/ERASE_LINE/
f4:	.ascic	/SET_CURSOR/
f5:	.ascic	/DOWN_SCROLL/
f6:	.ascic	/SCREEN_INFO/
f7:	.ascic	/PUT_LINE/
f8:	.ascic	/MOVE_CURSOR/
f9:	.ascic	/SET_SCROLL/
f10:	.ascic	/UP_SCROLL/

	.align	word
ntbl:	.word	f0-ntbl
	.word	f1-ntbl
	.word	f2-ntbl
	.word	f3-ntbl
	.word	f4-ntbl
	.word	f5-ntbl
	.word	f6-ntbl
	.word	f7-ntbl
	.word	f8-ntbl
	.word	f9-ntbl
	.word	f10-ntbl

as:	.ascic	/'!AF'/
ul:	.ascic	/!+!UL/
xl:	.ascic	/!+!XL/

	.end	scrftdbg