[comp.sys.mac.hardware] POWERDrive & Hard Drives International

waire@seas.gwu.edu (Timothy A. Waire Jr.) (05/07/91)

I am looking to order a couple of external Quantum 105MB hard drives and was
looking at Hard Drives International's POWERDRive.

My question to the net is whether or not they are a reputable and reliable
dealer.  Their price of $399 for the 105MB drive is really low compared to all
the other prices I have seen.

Has anyone had any kind of bad experiences with this vendor?

Timothy A. Waire, Jr. (Whitegold)           Executive Office of the President
INTERNET: waire@seas.gwu.edu                Office of Management & Budget 
The George Washington University            Washington, D.C.  20503
Electrical Engineering & Computer Science   Voice: 2023954922   Fax: 2023953910

steve@violet.berkeley.edu (Steve Goldfield;232HMB;3-6292;;MF62) (05/08/91)

In article <3156@sparko.gwu.edu> waire@seas.gwu.edu (Timothy A. Waire Jr.) writes:
#>I am looking to order a couple of external Quantum 105MB hard drives and was
#>looking at Hard Drives International's POWERDRive.
#>My question to the net is whether or not they are a reputable and reliable
#>dealer.  Their price of $399 for the 105MB drive is really low compared to all
#>the other prices I have seen.
#>Has anyone had any kind of bad experiences with this vendor?
#>Timothy A. Waire, Jr. (Whitegold)           Executive Office of the President
#>INTERNET: waire@seas.gwu.edu                Office of Management & Budget 
#>The George Washington University            Washington, D.C.  20503
#>Electrical Engineering & Computer Science   Voice: 2023954922   Fax: 2023953910

I don't have a bad experience. I bought a fast 40-meg drive
for one of our deans a few months ago and have had no problems
with it so far. Of course, the test of the company is what they
do if there are problems, but I'm not hoping to find out about
that soon.

That price sounds very low. I paid more than that for the
40-meg drive. Have you confirmed the price with the vendor?

Steve Goldfield
College of Engineering
UC Berkeley

dawg6844@uxa.cso.uiuc.edu (Dan Walkowski) (05/08/91)

I have had two of the Hard Drives International 105Mb Quantums pass through
my hands in the process of initializing them for friends.  (And loading them
up with software)  I used one of them heavily for two weeks, and found no
difference between it and my internal 105M Quantum from a more well-known 
distributor.  I tested the speeds, and they were identical.  It has external
SCSI ID selection, and a reasonably nice case.  I would buy one myself.
Dan Walkowski                          | To understand recursion, 
Univ. of Illinois, Dept. of Comp. Sci. |   you must first understand recursion.
walkowsk@cs.uiuc.edu                   |

barvian@ece.cmu.edu (Scott Barvian) (05/08/91)

waire@seas.gwu.edu (Timothy A. Waire Jr.) writes:

   I am looking to order a couple of external Quantum 105MB hard drives and was
   looking at Hard Drives International's POWERDRive.

   My question to the net is whether or not they are a reputable and reliable
   dealer.  Their price of $399 is really low compared to all
   the other prices I have seen.

Quantum is apparently having a "fire sale" on 105MB drives.  All the
drive shops are offering it for about that price.  I don't know what
this implies about the 105MB drive (why is Quantum unloading them?).

Assuming that Hard Drives Int'l has a good warranty (whatever Quantum
offers and maybe more), there's no reason not to go with them.
==== Scott Barvian ============ Department of Electrical/Computer Eng. ===
==== barvian@ece.cmu.edu ====== Carnegie Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, PA  ===

basiji@milton.u.washington.edu (David Basiji) (05/08/91)

I'm very happy with my HDI Powerdrive Quantum 105.  I bought it with my
credit card and now enjoy a 3 year warrantee (of sorts).  HDI was very 
pleasant to deal with (though I've never had to return the thing which
may not make them as pleased as simply jotting down my credit card #) and
they shipped 2nd day air for arrival on a Saturday.

David Basiji

bitting-douglas@cs.yale.edu (Douglas Bitting) (05/10/91)

In article <BARVIAN.91May7170929@dart.ece.cmu.edu> barvian@ece.cmu.edu (Scott Barvian) writes:

>Quantum is apparently having a "fire sale" on 105MB drives.  All the
>drive shops are offering it for about that price.  I don't know what
>this implies about the 105MB drive (why is Quantum unloading them?).

Last I heard, Quantum had ceased to make the 1/2 height drives that everyone is
selling for such a great price (I bought one of 'em, too... :-).  Instead,
Quantum has started to concentrate on making 1/3 height drives.  So, they are
trying to get rid of all their inventory of 1/2 heights.  But, this is just
what I heard.  It makes sense, tho...

>==== Scott Barvian ============ Department of Electrical/Computer Eng. ===
>==== barvian@ece.cmu.edu ====== Carnegie Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, PA  ===


Doug Bitting             | "And we know that in all things God works
PO Box 3043 Yale Station |  for the good of those who love him..."
New Haven, CT 06520      |                       --Romans 8:28
bitting@cs.yale.edu      +------------------------------------------

pejacoby@mmm.serc.3m.com (Paul E. Jacoby) (05/10/91)

In article <1991May9.192904.21064@cs.yale.edu> bitting-douglas@cs.yale.edu (Douglas Bitting) writes:
>In article <BARVIAN.91May7170929@dart.ece.cmu.edu> barvian@ece.cmu.edu (Scott Barvian) writes:
>>Quantum is apparently having a "fire sale" on 105MB drives.  All the
>>drive shops are offering it for about that price.  I don't know what
>>this implies about the 105MB drive (why is Quantum unloading them?).
>Last I heard, Quantum had ceased to make the 1/2 height drives that everyone is
>selling for such a great price (I bought one of 'em, too... :-).  Instead,

If you are thinking of getting one of the Q105's, note that it seems
like the prices might start creeping up.  I just bought one from
Warehouse 54, and paid $20 more than it would have cost had I bought
last week....  They still have the lowest price ($349), but $329 would
have been so much nicer :-)
| Paul E. Jacoby, 3M Company     |                                   |
| Maplewood, MN   55144-1000     |  Parachuting?  Why jump out of a  |
| => pejacoby@3m.com             |  perfectly good airplane?         |
|                 (612) 737-3211 |                                   |

hoepfner@heawk1.gsfc.nasa.gov (Patrick Hoepfner) (05/11/91)

barvian@ece.cmu.edu (Scott Barvian) writes:

>waire@seas.gwu.edu (Timothy A. Waire Jr.) writes:

>   I am looking to order a couple of external Quantum 105MB hard drives and was
>   looking at Hard Drives International's POWERDRive.

>   My question to the net is whether or not they are a reputable and reliable
>   dealer.  Their price of $399 is really low compared to all
>   the other prices I have seen.

>Quantum is apparently having a "fire sale" on 105MB drives.  All the
>drive shops are offering it for about that price.  I don't know what
>this implies about the 105MB drive (why is Quantum unloading them?).

   I understand that Quantum is discontinuing their 80MB drives and that 
they were selling the 105s at the old 80 prices.  I was told this from 
a 3rd party drive distributer which bought the Quantum drives and packages 

     /    Patrick Hoepfner       |    NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center    \ 
    / America Online: PatrickH9  | Internet: hoepfner@heasfs.gsfc.nasa.gov \ 