[comp.sys.mac.hardware] mail ordering SIMMS

todd@saifr00.cfsat.honeywell.com (Todd Thompson) (05/30/91)

I notice a lot adds for mail order places which deal primarily in memory
devices in MacWeek and such.  I'm tempted because they tend to have lower
prices than some of the mail order places that also deal in software.  Does
anyone have experience with ordering SIMMS via these mail order?  I would
appreciate any advice/comments.  


Todd Thompson

PS.  If you e-mail, I'll summarize.

tag1@ra.MsState.Edu (Timothy A. Griffin) (06/03/91)

todd@saifr00.cfsat.honeywell.com (Todd Thompson) writes:

>I notice a lot adds for mail order places which deal primarily in memory
>devices in MacWeek and such.  I'm tempted because they tend to have lower
>prices than some of the mail order places that also deal in software.  Does
>anyone have experience with ordering SIMMS via these mail order?  I would
>appreciate any advice/comments.  

    I just ordered 2 4Mb SIMMs for my LC from Peripheral Outlet in Ada, OK
 (800-332-6581) for $162 each.  My experience with these folks was quite
 satisfactory.  In the past I have also had good luck with Leo Electronics
 and IC Express (800-421-9565 & 800-877-8188 respectively).  If you are
 comfortable with installing your own memory, then there is nothing one
 of the larger organizations will give you at a higher price than one
 of the cut-rate places can give you for much less.  However, you should
 buy from reputable companies.  Non-delivered SIMMs at a lower price are
 not cheaper than higher priced, but in-hand, ones.  :-)


..  Timothy A. Griffin               |      Opinions expressed here are  ..
..  MSU Computing Center             |      mine and mine alone.  Any    ..
..  Internet: tag1@cc.msstate.edu    |      similarity between them and  ..
..  Bitnet:   tag1@MSSTATE           |      intelligence is purely       ..
..  Phone:    (601) 325-3112         |      coincidental.                ..