[biz.clarinet.sample] What biz.clarinet.sample is all about

brad@looking.on.ca (Brad Templeton) (09/21/89)

ClariNet, for those who don't read comp.newprod and news.admin, is a new
venture that does Electronic Publishing to USENET sites.  One of the
things we publish is a section of the UPI newswire.  We feed live
news out to UUNET and other sites.

We have created this group to give out certain kinds of free samples that
aren't appropriate for the main USENET hierarchies.  In this case, since
our service started only recently and the baseball season is almost over,
we have decided to give away our baseball newsgroup in this group until
the end of the pennant races.

So enjoy, and if you like, tell your friends and others on USENET.

The baseball group is only 1 of 100 groups of UPI information.  We have
a pretty comprehensive line of general news, business news, sports and
news on technological industries.  We also have computer industry news.

For full details write to info@clarinet.com or phone 519-884-7473 or
800-265-2782.  You can get a free 2 week trial subscription if you like,
and it can even be fed over the internet, at least for now.

If you are not a ball fan, watch this group for future samples of other
kinds of news.
Brad Templeton, Looking Glass Software Ltd.  --  Waterloo, Ontario 519/884-7473