daemon@ucbvax.UUCP (10/13/83)
From GEOFF5@SRI-CSL Thu Oct 6 23:45:36 1983 A large problem with VMS mail is internal message security. An illustration: Say there's some turkey working on your VAX. You want to get rid of him? Try the following: Send him a message that looks innocuous, something like "Nice day isn't it" and "sign" the letter. Then as an extra bonus, type in a line that looks like a VMS mail header; you have to be careful here, because it has to look EXACTLY like a mail header. In the FROM portion indicate a new message coming from someone in authority. Then add text indicating what he should be doing in the future, and how little that has to do with your VAX. Shake well, bake for 30 seconds, and send it off. Voila two messages appear in the mailbox, and the second one has no connection with yours! Seems to work fine, though you may have to experiment a bit to get the HEADER line correct. Jerry Bakin <scgvaxd!4ccvax!JBAKIN @ CIT-VAX> P.S. I haven't tried this since Version 3.0 came up, so it may not work as advertised, but it probably does.