daemon@ucbvax.UUCP (09/15/83)
>From GEOFF5@SRI-CSL Thu Sep 15 04:27:50 1983
I'm looking for a reasonable way to use EDT with crt's other than
DEC's ... specifically, with HDS Concept 104's and 108's; generally,
with any arbitrary CRT. The object is to use 'change' mode and the
keypad commands in a way which is as close as possible to the VT100
Other than going into the BLISS source and re-compiling the whole
system, or (worse?) patching it in binary, any ideas?
Reply to MULLER.UMASS-ECS@Udel-Relay.
And thanks!
Rich Muller
Hampshire College
Amherst MA
root@ucbvax.UUCP (10/08/83)
From GEOFF5@SRI-CSL Sat Oct 8 00:40:13 1983 How much interest is there in a "CRTSTY"-style program for VMS that could convert between any "reasonable" terminal and something VT100ish? Trying to do this with DECnet is not going to be fun (I'm running V3.3 and haven't looked at Phase IV) since RTPAD essentially works by passing $QIOs/$BRDCSTs through the net. This is one of those things that would be a lot easier if VMS provided pseudo-terminals (TOPS-10, TOPS-20, and RSTS/E do!). (Not to mention things like output capture programs...) Since I'm on a *real* network I'm simply inclined to write a user telnet with VT100 simulation. This is hardly a new idea; VT52 and Datamedia simulators have been around for many years. -=EPS=- ------
daemon@ucbvax.UUCP (10/13/83)
>From GEOFF5@SRI-CSL Thu Oct 13 10:43:32 1983
Date: Wed 5 Oct 83 09:33:11-EDT
From: Richard Garland <G.GARLAND@COLUMBIA-20.ARPA>
I have an EMACS macro that emulates EDT pretty well - I will mail
it to interested parties. EDT keypad commands sometimes save a few
keystrokes over the EMACS equivalent (besides you can get them with one
finger unlike control characters.) After having used EMACS for a while
I tend not to use the EDT-emulation much.
Amusing. I have an EDT init that emulates EMACS, pretty damned poorly.
EDT can't even quite duplicate the simplest EMACS commands.